陆青云,侯方丽,孙莹,张兆成,陶芳标.江苏省徐州市11~1 3岁青少年睡眠时间饮食模式与超重/肥胖的相关关系研究[J].中华流行病学杂志,2014,35(4):381-385
江苏省徐州市11~1 3岁青少年睡眠时间饮食模式与超重/肥胖的相关关系研究
Relations between duration of sleep,dietary patterns and the prevalence of overweight/obesity among 11-13 year-oids in Xuzhou,Jiangsu province of CMna
收稿日期:2013-09-12  出版日期:2015-04-27
中文关键词: 超重/月巴胖  睡眠时间  饮食模式  青少年
英文关键词: Overweight and obesity  Sleep duration  Dietary pattern  Adolescents
陆青云 安徽人13健康与优生省级实验室安徽医科大学公共卫生学院儿少卫生与妇幼保健学系, 合肥 230032
侯方丽 安徽人13健康与优生省级实验室安徽医科大学公共卫生学院儿少卫生与妇幼保健学系, 合肥 230032  
孙莹 安徽人13健康与优生省级实验室安徽医科大学公共卫生学院儿少卫生与妇幼保健学系, 合肥 230032  
张兆成 江苏省徐州市中小学生保健所  
陶芳标 安徽人13健康与优生省级实验室安徽医科大学公共卫生学院儿少卫生与妇幼保健学系, 合肥 230032 taofangbiao@126.com 
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      目的 探讨青少年睡眠时间、饮食模式与超重/肥胖的相关关系。方法 对初中生睡眠时间、饮食模式、体力活动和视频时间等采用问卷调查,同时收集体格数据,分析睡眠时间和饮食模式对超重/JlE胖的影响。结果 徐州市区初中男生超重率为23.5%,肥胖率为22.5%;女生超重率为18.1%,肥胖率为1】.9%。男生睡眠不足(<8h/d)为28.1%,女生睡眠不足为33.O%。多因素logistic回归分析显示男生睡眠时间<7h,d是超重/肥胖发生的危险因素,OR=I.72(95%CI1.08~2.74),而女生睡眠时间和超重/肥胖的关系不显著。调整了年龄、父母文化程度、自评家庭收入、体力活动、看视频时间及超重/且巴胖变量后,男生睡眠时间<7h/d者零食类食物摄人频次增加,OR=1.69(95%C1:1.10~2.73)。结论 睡眠减少为初中男生超重/肥胖发生的独立危险因素,且男性青少年睡眠减少可导致零食类食物摄入增加。提示男生零食类食物摄入过多在睡眠减少和超重/肥胖关系中的联结作用。
      objecfive To describe the relationships between sleep duration,dietary patternsand overweight/obesity among adolescents in Xuzhou.and to develop prevention and interventionstrategies for adolescent.obesity.Methods Data of 3 1 03 boys and girls from 5 iunior high schoolswere analyzed.Self-reported information on duration of sleep.dietary pattems.physicaI activities andtime spent on watching video/audio program were assessed and physique data was also collected.Descriptive statistics,multiple liner regression and logistic regression models were used.ResultsThe prevalence rates on overweight and obesity in boys were 23.5%and 22.5%.and in girls were1 8.1%and 11.9%,respectively.Proportions of insufficient sleep(<8 h/d)in boys appeared 28.1%and in girls as 33.0%.From logistic regression analysis revealed that there appeared risk on theprevalence of overweight and obesity in boys who had sleep duration <7h/d[(95%Cl):1.72(1.08-2.74)],but no significant association was found between duration of sleep and overweight/obesity in girls.After adjusting on age,levels ofparental education,family income,physical activities,time spent on watching video/audio programs,and weight status.boys who had sleep durationless than 7 h/d would have the odds ratio of 1.69(1.1 0-2.73).for the likelihood of increasing the frequency of eating snacks compared to their counterparts who had sleep duration of≥8 h/d.Conclusion The Shortened duration of sleep seemed an independent risk factor on overweight/obesity among male adolescents,and it was associated with the increased frequency of eating snacks. Data from our study showed that the dietary patterns might play a role in the association betweenduration of sleep and overweight/obesity,among male adolescents.
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