Situation of domestic violence and health outcomes among married migrant women at reproductive age
收稿日期:2013-10-25  出版日期:2014-09-17
中文关键词: 家庭暴力  流动人口  已婚育龄妇女  心理健康
英文关键词: Domestic violence  Migrant  Married women of reproductive age  Mental health
基金项目:Ford 基金会资助项目(FF4M004/66004246)
涂晓雯 200032 上海市计划生育科学研究所流行病与社会医学研究室 tuxwcn@163.com 
楼超华 200032 上海市计划生育科学研究所流行病与社会医学研究室  
孙峰 200032 上海市计划生育科学研究所流行病与社会医学研究室  
程艳 200032 上海市计划生育科学研究所流行病与社会医学研究室  
高尔生 200032 上海市计划生育科学研究所流行病与社会医学研究室  
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      目的 了解家庭暴力对流动人口已婚育龄妇女心理健康及一般健康状况的影响。方法 2010年4-5月在上海市某中心城区采用以社区为基础的多阶段整群抽样方法,对符合条件的流动人口已婚育龄妇女进行问卷调查,共收回有效问卷958份。采用χ2检验、 Fisher精确检验和多因素非条件logistic回归统计学分析。结果 调查对象中以往曾经遭受配偶实施家庭暴力的比例为40.0%。在评价一般健康状况不良结局的5项指标和心理健康状况不良结局的6项指标中,以往和最近一年遭受身体/性暴力与 “经常感觉身上疼痛/不适” 和 “经常感觉睡眠差” 2项一般健康状况指标以及 “经常感到害怕/紧张/担忧”、“容易发怒”、“哭的次数比以前多”、“对生活感到厌倦” 4项心理健康状况指标有关; 以往遭受控制行为与 “经常感觉身上疼痛/不适” 1项一般健康状况指标及 “容易发怒”、“经常觉得自己毫无价值”、“对生活感到厌倦” 3项心理健康状况指标有关; 最近一年遭受精神暴力与 “经常感觉身上疼痛/不适” 有关。多元logistic回归分析发现,遭受过身体暴力/性暴力、 控制行为和精神暴力的调查对象出现上述不良健康结局的危险性,分别是未遭受过任何暴力调查对象的2.25~3.70倍、 1.94~4.75倍和2.12倍。结论 家庭暴力对流动人口已婚育龄妇女的一般健康和心理健康状况均有影响,特别是身体/性暴力和控制行为。
      Objective To examine the association between domestic violence and mental/general health status among married migrant women at reproductive age. Methods A total of 958 eligible married migrant women of reproductive age who were selected through community-based multiple-stage sampling method in one urban district in Shanghai and interviewed in April and May 2010. Chi-square test, Fisher's exact test and unconditional logistic regression model were used for data analysis. Results The overall prevalence of domestic violence in husbands was 40.0%. Among 5 adverse outcomes related to general health and 6 adverse outcomes related to mental health, exposing to physical or sexual violence in the life time or in the previous year were associated with 2 adverse outcomes related to general health(including often in pain/discomfort and sleeping problems)and 4 adverse outcomes related to mental health(including often feeling nervous/tense/worry, easilygetting frightened, crying more than usual, often feeling worthless on herself or being indifferent to the surroundings). Experience of control behavior was associated with 1 adverse outcome that related to general health(often in pain or discomfort)and 3 adverse outcomes related to mental health including easily get frightened,feeling worthless on herself or indifferent to the surroundings, Experience of emotional violence in the previous year was associated with pain or discomfort feelings. Compared with those who had never experienced any violence from husband after adjusting for potential influencing factors in logistic regression models,respondents who had ever experienced physical or sexual violence,control behavior or emotional violence,the numbers were respectively, presented 2.25-3.70 times, 1.94-4.75 times and 2.12 times,more likely to report the above-mentioned adverse health outcomes. Conclusion Domestic violence was associated with general and mental health among married migrant women at reproductive age, especially physical or sexual violence and control behaviors.
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