Using the real-time PCR assay to establish TaqMan-MGB probe for rapid identification of Clostridium difficile and its toxin
收稿日期:2013-11-18  出版日期:2014-09-17
中文关键词: 难辨梭菌  TaqMan-MGB探针  实时荧光定量PCR  菌属基因  毒素基因
英文关键词: Clostridium difficile  TaqMan-MGB probe  Real-time PCR  Bacteria genus gene  Toxin gene
邵冬华 100049 北京, 航天中心医院检验科  
季娜 100049 北京, 航天中心医院检验科  
梁国威 100049 北京, 航天中心医院检验科 htyysdh2006@qq.com 
刘静 100049 北京, 航天中心医院检验科  
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      目的 建立一种简便、快速难辨梭菌菌属鉴定及其毒素基因筛查的荧光定量PCR检测方法。方法 采用TaqMan-MGB探针,通过real-time PCR分析系统,同时检测难辨梭菌菌属基因磷酸丙糖异构酶(Tpi)、A毒素(TcdA)、B毒素(TcdB)及缺失部分基因的A毒素(TcdAT),从特异度、灵敏度及其抗干扰性等方面评价该方法,并联合全自动酶联荧光免疫系统(VIDAS)检测50 例临床不明原因腹泻病例粪便标本探讨其应用价值。结果 难辨梭菌非产毒株 Tpi 基因(tpi)的检测下限是6×10-2 CFU/μl,产毒株 tpi、tcdA、tcdB、tcdAT 的检测下限为 6×10-1 CFU/μl;难辨梭菌非产毒株tpi检测下限批内、批间变异率分别为2.1%和2.3%;产毒株tpi、tcdA、tcdB、tcdAT的检测下限批内、批间变异率依次为3.0%和3.4%、2.9%和3.2%、5.3%和5.7%、2.7%和2.8%。临床常见分离菌株及梭菌属其他细菌对检测无干扰。50 例不明原因腹泻病例粪便标本中,采用TaqMan-MGB 探针实时荧光 PCR 与 VIDAS 酶标免疫检测 39 例阴性标本其符合率为 100%;6 例两方法检测均为阳性;3例VIDAS酶标免疫检测为可疑及2例为阴性,经TaqMan-MGB探针实时荧光PCR检测为A-/B+菌株。结论 建立的TaqMan-MGB探针实时荧光定量PCR具有高通量、高灵敏度和重复性好的特性,且可筛查携带缺失部分基因的TcdA难辨梭菌菌株。
      Objective To develop a real-time PCR assay for the rapid identification of Clostridium(C.) difficile and its toxin. Methods TaqMan real-time PCR was developed for the rapid identification of species specific gene(tpi)of C. difficile strains and the toxins A(TcdA),B(TcdB) and truncated toxin A(TcdAT). Sensitivity,specificity and anti-interference ability of these methods were estimated,as well. Feces sampled from fifty diarrhea patients were tested by real-time PCR and compared to the results from VIDAS assay. Results The detection limits of tpi were 6×10-2 CFU/μland 6 × 10-1CFU/μ l in the non-oxin producing and toxin producing strains,respectively. The coefficients of variability(CV)of intra-assay and inter-assay for the detection limits of tpi in the non-toxin producing strain were 2.1% and 2.3% . The CVs of intra-assay and inter-assay for the detection limit of tpi,tcdA,tcdB and tcdAT in the toxin producing strain were 3.0% and 3.4%,2.9% and 3.2%,5.3% and 5.7%,2.7% and 2.8%,respectively. No interferance was detected from other genus or species in clostridium. From 50 clinical samples,thirty-nine of them were negative and six of them were positive under the TaqMan-MGB probe technique in accordance with VIDAS. Five samples appeared positive using the TaqMan-MGB probe technique,in which 3 were dubious and 2 were negative under VIDAS. Conclusion The newly developed method was a sensitive and reliable assay for rapid identification of C. difficile and its toxin. This method could be used to screen C. difficile isolates harboring truncated toxin A to avoid misdiagnosis,clinically.
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