Effect of type 2 diabetes with hypertension on cognitive function—a study on elderly living in the communities of Beijing
收稿日期:2014-05-07  出版日期:2014-09-01
中文关键词: 糖尿病, 2 型  高血压  认知功能  老年人
英文关键词: Diabetes mellitus, type 2  Hypertension  Cognition  Elderly
高欣 卫生部北京医院北京老年医学研究所老年医学实验室, 100730 gaoxinbj@hotmail.com 
段春波 中华老年医学杂志编辑部  
鲍利 卫生部北京医院北京老年医学研究所老年医学实验室, 100730  
于会艳 卫生部北京医院北京老年医学研究所老年医学实验室 神经内科, 100730  
秦斌 卫生部北京医院北京老年医学研究所老年医学实验室 神经内科, 100730  
齐若梅 卫生部北京医院北京老年医学研究所老年医学实验室, 100730  
高芳堃 卫生部北京医院北京老年医学研究所老年医学实验室, 100730  
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      目的 了解社区老年糖尿病患者合并高血压对其认知功能的影响。方法 选择北京市某社区>60 岁老年糖尿病患者82 例和糖尿病合并高血压患者142 例为调查对象, 同社区年龄、性别及文化程度相匹配的277 名正常老年人为对照, 以简易智能状态检查量表(MMSE)和蒙特利尔认知评估量表(MoCA)评估三组人群的认知功能状况。结果 糖尿病合并高血压患者组较正常对照组MMSE总分降低(28.42±1.52 vs. 28.88±1.47), 差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);糖尿病合并高血压患者组与正常对照组比较, MoCA总得分(25.20±3.91 vs. 26.50±3.29)、视空间与执行功能(3.60±1.56 vs. 3.96±1.18)和语言得分(2.10±0.80 vs. 2.37±0.80)明显降低, 差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。多元回归分析显示, 高龄、受教育程度低是认知障碍的独立危险因素(P<0.01)。结论 老年糖尿病患者合并高血压可导致认知功能受损。
      Objective To study the effects of type 2 diabetes(T2DM)with hypertension on cognitive function in those community-based elderly who were aged 60 and over, in Beijing. Methods 82 patients with T2DM, 142 patients with both T2DM and hypertension and 277 normal controls were investigated in this study. Both methods as:the Montreal Cognitive Assessment(MoCA)and Mini-Mental Status Examination(MMSE)were used to determine cognitive change. Results The total MMSE scores showed significant decrease between T2DM with hypertension and controls[(28.42±1.52)vs.(28.88±1.47), P<0.05]. The MoCA score of the total scores[(25.20±3.91)vs.(26.50±3.29), P<0.05], sub-scores of visuospatial, executive[(3.60±1.56)vs.(3.96±1.18), P<0.05]and language[(2.10±0.80)vs.(2.37±0.80), P<0.05]significantly decreased in T2DM patients with hypertension and in the normal controls. Data from the Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that older age and less education were risk factors for cognitive impairment. Conclusion T2DM and hypertension damaged the cognitive function of patients.
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