李晓玲,胡峻梅,冯斐,侯丰苏,袁萍.成都市18~34 岁男性青年暴力攻击行为的现况调查[J].中华流行病学杂志,2014,35(7):806-808
成都市18~34 岁男性青年暴力攻击行为的现况调查
A cross-sectional study on physicaly violent behavior among youth males in Chengdu, Sichuan province
收稿日期:2013-12-11  出版日期:2014-09-01
中文关键词: 暴力攻击行为  男性青年  现况调查
英文关键词: Physical violent behavior  Youth male  Cross-sectional study
李晓玲 四川大学华西公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学系, 成都 610041  
胡峻梅 华西基础医学与法医学院  
冯斐 四川大学华西公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学系, 成都 610041  
侯丰苏 四川大学华西公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学系, 成都 610041  
袁萍 四川大学华西公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学系, 成都 610041 yuanp1117@126.com 
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      目的 了解成都市18~34 岁男性青年暴力攻击行为现状, 为制定暴力预防控制策略提供科学依据。方法 随机抽取成都市2 151 名18~34 岁男性青年为研究对象, 使用“青年男性健康状态和现代生活方式调查问卷”调查暴力攻击行为发生情况、对暴力的态度及应对情况。结果 成都市18~34 岁男性青年在15 岁后暴力攻击行为的发生率为51.8%, 近5 年暴力攻击行为发生率为17.8%, 且随年龄增长有下降趋势(P<0.01), 未婚、分居、离婚或丧偶者高于在婚或同居者(P<0.01), 有宗教信仰者高于无宗教信仰者(P<0.01), 学生和商业/服务业工作人员发生率较高, 分别为24.5%和20.3%。结论 成都市18~34 岁未婚、分居、离婚或丧偶、有宗教信仰、从事商业或服务业的男性青年可能更具暴力攻击倾向。
      Objective To investigate the prevalence of physically violent behavior among 18-34 years old males in Chengdu. Methods 2 151 males aged 18-34 years was recruited in Chengdu, using a multistage stratified random sampling method.“Men’s health and modern lifestyles survey questionnaire”was adopted to collect information on demography, physical violent behavior, attitude and reactions to violence. Results Self-reported prevalence of physical violent behavior since 15 years of age among those 18-34 year-old males was 51.8% . 17.8% of the young males reported having violent behavior in the past 5 years, but the prevalence declined progressively with age (P<0.01). People who were religious or remained single had higher prevalence rates than those non-religious, married or having regular sex partners(P<0.01). Prevalence seemed relatively high in students or workers at service/commercial fields, with rates as 24.5% and 20.3%. Conclusion Data from our study suggested that physical violence was an important problem among young males in Chengdu. Factors as being young, single, divorced or widowed were associated with self-reported violent behavior. People who were religious, being students or working at the service/commercial fields seemed to be under high risk of carrying physical violence.
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