Regional differences in patterns of alcohol consumption:findings from the China Kadoorie Biobank study on half a million people from 10 regions
收稿日期:2014-04-22  出版日期:2014-08-30
中文关键词: 饮酒  频率    方式  品种  地区差异
英文关键词: Alcohol consumption  Frequency  Amount  Pattern  Type  Regional difference
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(81390541);香港Kadoorie Charitable基金;英国Wellcome Trust(088158/Z/09/Z);国家科技支撑项目(2011BAI09B01)
吕筠 100191 北京大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学系  
郭彧 中国医学科学院  
卞铮 中国医学科学院  
余灿清 100191 北京大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学系  
王铮 中国医学科学院  
周汇燕 中国医学科学院  
谭云龙 中国医学科学院  
陈君石 国家食品安全风险评估中心  
陈铮鸣 英国牛津大学  
李立明 100191 北京大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学系
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      目的 描述参加中国慢性病前瞻性研究(CKB)队列的10个地区人群饮酒行为特征的地区差异。方法 CKB项目于2004-2008年在城市和农村各5个地区募集队列成员并完成基线调查。研究分析10个项目地区中512 891名30~79岁队列成员饮酒状况的基线信息,重点描述每周饮酒者饮酒行为特征的地区差异。结果 全部队列成员中,男性每周饮酒率(33.1%)高于女性(2.2%)。哈尔滨(52.0%)和四川(50.2%)项目地区的男性每周饮酒率最高;甘肃(8.1%)和海口(18.8%)项目地区最低。四川项目地区男性每周饮酒者通常情况下的每周摄入酒精量(414.6 g)最高;甘肃(195.2 g)和河南(239.6 g)项目地区虽然日常饮酒量较低,但特殊情况下单日饮酒量列居前位(河南项目地区202.3 g;甘肃项目地区171.2 g)。每周饮酒者中,82.6%的男性和56.6%的女性在特殊情况下的饮酒量达到狂饮状态(男>60 g,女>40 g)。结论 CKB 10个项目地区的研究人群在饮酒率、饮酒量、饮酒方式、饮酒品种等饮酒行为特征上存在明显差异。
      Objective To describe the regional differences on patterns of alcohol consumption across 10 study in the China Kadoorie Biobank (CKB) areas involving half a million adults. Methods The baseline survey of CKB took place in 5 urban and 5 rural areas across China during 2004-2008. Detailed information on alcohol consumption of 512 891 participants aged 30-79 years was gathered and analyzed. Results were directly standardized on age (in 10-age groups) and education (5 groups) structure of the study population for different sex. Results The overall prevalence rates of regular drinking (i.e.,at least weekly) were 33.1% among men and 2.2% among women. Among men,the prevalence rate was seen highest in Harbin (52.0%) and Sichuan (50.2%),but lowest in Gansu (8.1%) and Haikou (18.8%). Most regular drinkers in Sichuan,Hunan,and Gansu habitually drank strong spirits (≥40% alcohol content),whereas beer was most commonly consumed in Harbin and Qingdao,with rice wine most commonly used in the southern regions (Haikou,Suzhou,Zhejiang and Liuzhou). Mean alcohol consumption was highest in Sichuan (414.6 g/week). Although the mean alcohol consumptions appeared lower on reguilar occasion in Gansu (195.2 g/week) and Henan (239.6 g/week) than in other regions,the amount consumed on special occasions in these two regions were the highest (Henan:202.3 g/day; Gansu:171.2 g/day). Similar patterns were also seen in women. Of all the regular drinkers,82.6% of men and 56.6% of women reported heavy drinking episodes (men:>60 g,women:>40 g) on special occasions. Conclusion The patterns of alcohol consumption including prevalence,frequency,amount,binge drinking pattern,and type of alcohol beverage varied greatly among the ten areas of CKB under study.
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