Epidemiological features of metabolic syndrome in Gansu province
收稿日期:2014-03-25  出版日期:2014-09-11
中文关键词: 代谢综合征  患病率  诊断标准
英文关键词: Metabolic syndrome  Prevalence  Diagnostic criteria
李金龙 750004 银川, 宁夏医科大学  
韩平治 甘肃省人民医院  
齐发梅 甘肃省人民医院 1966155791@qq.com 
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      目的 调查甘肃省MS流行情况。 方法 采用多级分层整群抽样方法,按照甘肃省东西南北中方位选择陇南、嘉峪关、临夏、庆阳和兰州5个市18~96岁健康体检居民共6 609人作为研 究对象,采用改良美国国家胆固醇教育计划成人治疗专家组(ATPⅢ)以及中华医学会糖尿病学分会(CDS)两种MS诊断标准进行分析。结果 按照ATPⅢ标准,甘肃省5市居民MS总体患病率为30.43%, 标化后患病率为29.05%,男性高于女性(分别为35.25%、23.02%),并随年龄的增长而增加。MS中最多见的组分组合是中心性肥胖+高TG血症+低HDL-C血症。按照CDS标准MS总体患病率为13.42%,标 化后患病率为12.65%。在甘肃省居民中应用ATPⅢ标准与CDS标准的一致性不高(Kappa值为0.496)。 结论 在甘肃省采用ATPⅢ标准可检出更多的MS患者,推荐作为MS诊断标准。MS已成为影响甘肃省 居民健康重大公共卫生问题。
      Objective To understand the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in Gansu. Methods A multistage stratified cluster sampling method was conducted. A total of 6 609 adults (range 18-96 years old) from 5 cities located in different areas of Gansu province were included in the analyses and all of them underwent physical examinations. Metabolic syndrome was diagnosed under the modified 2005 National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel Ⅲ (ATPⅢ) guidelines as well as the 2004 Chinese Diabetes Society (CDS) guidelines. Results Using the modified ATPⅢ criterion for diagnosis,the unadjusted prevalence rate of metabolic syndrome was 30.43% (35.25% in males and 23.02% in females,respectively) and the age-adjusted prevalence was 29.05%. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome increased with age. Combination of central obesity,high TG hyperlipidemia and low HDL-C hyperlipidemia was most frequently seen. Under the CDS criterion,the unadjusted prevalence of metabolic syndrome was 13.42%,with the age-adjusted prevalence as 12.65%. A low level of agreement between the ATPⅢ and CDS was observed (Kappa index=0.496). Conclusion Under the ATPⅢ definition,more adults with MS were identified thus could be recommended as the preferred diagnostic criterion. Metabolic syndrome had become a noteworthy public health problem. Prevention programs related to metabolic syndrome should be urgently warranted.
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