Study on the prevalence and associated risk factors related to HIV,syphilis,herpes simplex virus-2 among female sex workers in Jiaozhou,Shandong province
收稿日期:2014-04-09  出版日期:2014-09-15
中文关键词: 人类免疫缺陷病毒  梅毒  Ⅱ型单纯疱疹病毒  暗娼
英文关键词: Human immunodeficiency virus  Syphilis  Herpes simplex virus-2  Female sex workers
李峥 100730 北京协和医学院公共卫生学院
李东民 中国疾病预防控制中心性病艾滋病预防控制中心  
刘慧鑫 中国疾病预防控制中心性病艾滋病预防控制中心  
姜珍霞 青岛市疾病预防控制中心  
朱琳 中国疾病预防控制中心性病艾滋病预防控制中心  
汪宁 中国疾病预防控制中心性病艾滋病预防控制中心 wangnbj@163.com 
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      目的 了解山东省胶州市暗娼HIV、梅毒、Ⅱ型单纯疱疹病毒(HSV-2)感染状况以及相关影响因素。方法 采用方便抽样法招募山东省胶州市暗娼人群,通过匿名现场问卷调查收集相关信息,采集血样进行HIV、梅毒和HSV-2 检测,并以梅毒螺旋体ELISA 检测与HSV-2 抗体ELISA 检测均为阳性定义为双重感染。结果 共调查460 名暗娼,其中HIV 感染率为0.22%,梅毒感染率为5.9%,HSV-2 感染率为43.0%,梅毒/HSV-2 双重感染率为11.7%。22.8%的暗娼承认吸食过新型毒品,吸食新型毒品暗娼的梅毒感染率为12.4%,HSV-2 感染率为55.2%,梅毒/HSV-2双重感染率为22.9%。多因素分析显示:梅毒感染的危险因素有吸食新型毒品(OR=3.61,95%CI:1.62~8.06)、第一次商业性行为年龄>20 岁(OR=2.80,95%CI:1.15~6.85)、最近1 个月性服务场所数≥2 个(OR=4.37,95%CI:0.83~22.83);而HSV-2 感染的危险因素为吸食新型毒品(OR= 2.30,95%CI:1.43~3.70)、来自低档场所(OR=2.61,95%CI:1.66~4.10)、在本地工作≥1 年(OR= 2.01,95%CI:1.28~3.14)、第一次商业性行为年龄>20 岁(OR= 1.77,95%CI:1.16~2.69)、文化程度为文盲或小学(OR= 2.27,95%CI:1.18~4.36);梅毒/HSV-2 双重感染的危险因素有吸食新型毒品(OR=3.95,95%CI:2.09~7.44)、文化程度为文盲或小学(OR= 2.43,95%CI:1.10~5.36)、年龄为21~30 岁(OR=2.95,95%CI:1.08~8.03)和≥31 岁(OR=7.05,95%CI:2.48~20.01)。结论 胶州市暗娼梅毒、HSV-2 及其重复感染率较高,特别是吸食新型毒品暗娼,应针对感染人群、吸毒人群进行有效的健康教育和行为干预。
      Objective To analyze the prevalence rates and associated risk factors on HIV,syphilis,herpes simplex virus-2(HSV-2)among female sex workers(FSWs)in Jiaozhou,Shandong province. Methods Through convenient sampling,an anonymous questionnaire survey was conducted on female sex workers to collect related information. Blood specimens were drawn for serological tests on HIV,syphilis and HSV-2 antibodies,respectively. Patients with positive results from both treponema pallidum and HSV-2 tested by ELISA method,were defined as being superinfected. Results A total of 460 FSWs were recruited in this study. The prevalence rates of HIV,syphilis,HSV-2,and syphilis/HSV-2 superinfection were 0.22% ,5.9% ,43.0% ,and 11.7% ,respectively. Among the methamphetamine users,the prevalence rates of syphilis,HSV-2,and syphilis/HSV-2 superinfection were 12.4%,55.2%,and 22.9%,respectively. Results from multivariate analysis showed that factors that significantly associated with syphilis infection would include:methamphetamine use(OR=3.61,95% CI:1.62-8.06),having first commercial sex intercourse at under 20 years of age(OR=2.80,95% CI:1.15-6.85),more than 2 establishments that the FSWs worked in the last month(OR=4.37,95%CI:0.83-22.83). Factors associated with HSV-2 infection were methamphetamine use(OR=2.30,95%CI:1.43-3.70),having first commercial sex intercourse at under 20 years of age (OR=1.77,95% CI:1.16-2.69),working at low-end establishments (OR= 2.61,95%CI:1.66-4.10),working at the local sex-work venues for more than one year(OR=2.01,95% CI:1.28-3.14),with low education backgrounds(OR=2.27,95% CI:1.18-4.36),using methamphetamine(OR=3.95,95% CI:2.09-7.44),low education background(OR=2.43,95% CI:1.10-5.36),21-30 year-olds(OR=2.95,95%CI:1.08-8.03),older than 31 years of age(OR=7.05,95% CI:2.48-20.01) etc.,were independent risk factors associated with the superinfection of syphilis and HSV-2. Conclusion The prevalence rates of syphilis,HSV-2 and syphilis/HSV-2 superinfection were relatively high among FSWs in Jiaozhou,especially among the FSWs who were methamphetamine users.
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