Study on the cause-specific mortality attributable to smoking among males in Tianjin
收稿日期:2014-05-22  出版日期:2014-11-07
中文关键词: 吸烟  死亡原因  男性  病例对照研究
英文关键词: Smoking  Death attributable  Male  Case-control study
江国虹 300011 天津市疾病预防控制中心
徐忠良 300011 天津市疾病预防控制中心 zhongliang365@163.com 
王德征 300011 天津市疾病预防控制中心  
李威 300011 天津市疾病预防控制中心  
张辉 300011 天津市疾病预防控制中心  
张颖 300011 天津市疾病预防控制中心  
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      目的 分析吸烟对天津市男性居民死亡的影响。方法 收集2010-2012年天津市38 312例18~69岁的男性死亡者信息。调整年龄和受教育程度后,分析吸烟导致不同疾病死亡的风险和超额死亡。结果 天津市18~69岁死亡男性中22.57%是由吸烟引起的,吸烟者平均损失5年的寿命。吸烟者肺癌的死亡风险是不吸烟者的3.10倍(95%CI:2.80~3.44),心脏病死亡的风险是不吸烟者的1.47倍(95%CI:1.36~1.59),脑卒中死亡风险是不吸烟者的1.41倍(95%CI:1.30~1.53)。城市男性吸烟导致疾病死亡的风险高于农村男性,开始吸烟年龄早、每天吸烟支数多其死亡风险高。结论 吸烟是导致天津市男性居民死亡的主要危险因素。
      Objective Prevalence rates related to smoking and second hand smoking exposure were high in Tianjin,particularly among males. Our study aimed to analyze all cause of deaths attributable to smoking in male citizens in Tianjin. Methods Data on 38 312 death cases aged 18-69 years old were collected from 2010 to 2012. Odds ratio of deaths on different disease and excess deaths attributed to smoking,after adjusting age and education level were calculated. Results 22.57% of the male death cases were caused by smoking in Tianjin,and smokers' 5 years of life loss due to the habit of smoking. Compared to the non-smokers, the mortality risks appeared as:lung cancer (OR=3.10 ,95%CI:2.80-3.44),heart disease (OR=1.47,95%CI:1.36-1.59),and stroke (OR=1.41,95%CI:1.30-1.53). The mortality risk attributed to smoking was higher in urban than that in rural areas. Factors as smoking initiated at early age and plenty daily cigarette consumption were both associated with risk of high mortality. Conclusion Results from our study addressed the problem that smoking had been a major risk factor for mortality and productivity loss in male adults in Tianjin. Prevention programs and initiatives on reducing the rates of smoking and second hand smoking should be strengthened to decrease the smoking-related deaths in Tianjin.
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