Factors related to household rodent abundance in rodent-borne disease foci in western Yunnan
收稿日期:2014-08-27  出版日期:2015-02-06
中文关键词: 鼠传疾病  鼠形动物  丰盛度  影响因素
英文关键词: Rodent-borne diseases  Rodent  Abundance  Influence factors
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(81060229,81460485); 云南省应用基础研究项目(2009CD126); 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金(教外司留[2011]1568号); 云南省高层次卫生技术人才培养专项(D-201249); 云南省中青年学术和技术带头人后备人才培养项目(2013HB080); 大理学院博士科研启动费项目(KYBS201302)
王秀芳 大理学院公共卫生学院, 大理 671000
尹家祥 大理学院公共卫生学院, 大理 671000 chinayjx@gmail.com 
杨光璨 云南省地方病防治所, 大理 671000  
刘正祥 云南省地方病防治所, 大理 671000  
杜春红 云南省地方病防治所, 大理 671000  
石丽媛 云南省地方病防治所, 大理 671000  
苏丽琼 云南省地方病防治所, 大理 671000  
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全文下载次数: 2043
      目的 分析影响滇西鼠传疾病疫源地室内鼠形动物丰盛度的因子。方法 2011年7月至2012年10月在滇西鼠传疾病流行区选择10个县(市)40个自然村(每个县4个村),每个自然村随机抽取20户家庭共800户为鼠形动物和重要环境因素调查区。每户布放5个鼠笼捕获鼠形动物,连续布放3个夜晚,根据鼠形动物外形特征鉴定种类。采用调查问卷和实地观察相结合的方式收集潜在影响室内鼠形动物丰盛度的因子。利用EpiData软件建立数据库,在R软件下采用多元跨栏负二项分布回归进行统计分析。结果 800户共捕获421只鼠形动物(包括2目2科6属9种),其中黄胸鼠为优势鼠种(66.03%).多元跨栏负二项分布回归分析显示:傣族和彝族家庭捕获鼠形动物的概率增加2.16~2.87倍;家庭成员具有大学学历和户外堆放垃圾的家庭捕获鼠形动物的概率减少50%~68%;居住院内可见鼠形动物的家庭捕获的概率增加1.66倍;房屋周围(<50 m)种菜家庭捕获鼠形动物的概率增加1.52倍;被调查者认为室内鼠形动物多的家庭捕获的概率增加1.59倍,同时捕获鼠形动物的数量也增加1.84倍;房屋地面为水泥或瓷砖的家庭捕获鼠形动物的数量增加3.62倍。结论 滇西鼠传疾病调查地区室内鼠形动物丰盛度与社会经济、人为及生态环境因素密切相关,应综合考虑这些因素有效控制鼠形动物的丰盛度。
      Objective To analyze the factors related to the household abundance of rodents in rodent-borne disease foci in the western part of Yunnan province. Methods From July 2011 to October 2012,800 households (20 households in 1 village) were randomly selected in 40 natural villages of 10 counties in western Yunnan where rodent borne disease was endemic to conduct a study on relationship between rodent abundance and environmental factors. Five cages were placed in each household for 3 consecutive nights to capture rodents. The rodent species were identified based on their morphological characteristics. The data on potential factors related to rodent abundance were collected through questionnaires and field observation. A dataset was established by using EpiData software and the analysis was performed with hurdle regression model under R software.Results A total of 421 rodents were captured in 800 households,belonging to 9 species,6 genera,2 families,2 orders. Rattus tanezumi was the predominant species(66.03%). The final hurdle regression model showed that the probability of capturing rodents in the households where family member had high education level and the garbage was placed outside declined by 50%-68%;The probability of capturing rodents in the households of Dai and Yi ethnic groups increased by 2.16-2.87 times;The probability of capturing rodents in the households where rodents were observed or vegetables grown near houses increased by 1.54-1.59 times;In the households where many rodents were believed to exist,the probability of capturing rodents and the number of rodents captured increased by 1.59 and 1.84 times respectively. The number of rodents captured in the houses with cement or tile floor increased by 3.62 times. Conclusion The household abundance of rodents in the area in western Yunnan,where the rodent-borne disease survey was conducted,seemed to be closely related to the social economy status,human intervention and ecological environment. To control the abundance of rodents effectively,it is necessary to take these factors into consideration.
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