Designing and implementation of a web-based quality monitoring system for plasma glucose measurement in multicenter population study
收稿日期:2015-01-02  出版日期:2015-05-12
中文关键词: 血糖  实验室检测  质量监控  多中心研究
英文关键词: Plasma glucose  Laboratory testing  Quality control  Multicenter-population studies
刘勇 510330 广州金域医学检验中心  
王丽敏 中国疾病预防控制中心慢性非传染性疾病预防控制中心 wlm65@126.com 
彭永祥 510330 广州金域医学检验中心  
莫南勋 510330 广州金域医学检验中心  
胡艳 510330 广州金域医学检验中心  
邓茜 中国疾病预防控制中心慢性非传染性疾病预防控制中心  
胡朝晖 510330 广州金域医学检验中心  
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      目的 建立多中心血糖检测电子化质量监控系统, 为大规模流行病学调查中多地区血糖和其他指标实验室检测质控系统的建立提供借鉴。方法 在中国慢性病及其危险因素监测项目中, 利用电子信息化技术建立基于网络的血糖检测质量控制系统, 包括血糖检测实验室性能验证数据、血糖检测实时质控数据输入、传输和质量评估反馈, 对302个监测点血糖检测质量和有效性进行评估。结果 参与该项目的所有监测点, 满足了质量要求并成功地完成了血糖重复性精密度监测初步评估。仅有少数监测点需要强化训练和重新进行中间精密度检测性能评估。从各监测点每日质控的数据分析来看, 绝大部分监测点实验室所采用的血糖监测系统具有良好的室内重复性。结论 为确保多中心的血糖数据的完整性和可靠性, 电子化血糖质控系统的建立和适当质量保证程序可以帮助识别监测点是否可以满足室内精密度质量标准, 确保其能够胜任血糖实验室检测工作, 及时评估各地区血糖检测的质量;同时发现, 实验室人员的培训和有效沟通非常重要。后续可以根据研究项目的需要增加并完善监控系统的功能, 降低因使用不同血糖检测方法导致的室间分析偏倚。
      Objective The aim of this paper is to describe the designing and implementation of a web-based plasma glucose measurement quality monitoring system to assess the analytical quality of plasma glucose measurements in multicenter population study and provide evidence for the future studies. Methods In the chronic non-communicable disease and related factor surveillance in China, a web based quality monitoring system for plasma glucose measurement was established to conduct evaluation on plasma glucose monitoring quality and effectiveness in 302 surveillance centers, including quality control data entry, transmission and feedback. Results The majority of the surveillance centers met the quality requirements and passed the evaluation of reproducibility and precision of plasma glucose measurement, only a few centers required intensive training and re-assessment. Conclusion In order to ensure the completeness and reliability of plasma glucose measurement in the surveillance centers, the establishment of web-based plasma glucose measurement quality control system can facilitate the identification of the qualified surveillance centers and evaluation of plasma glucose measurement quality in different regions. Communication and training are important in ensuring plasma glucose measurement quality. It is necessary to further improve this web-based plasma glucose measurement quality monitoring system in the future to reduce the method specific plasma glucose measurement bias.
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