Compliance of antihypertensive drug use in patients with hypertension
收稿日期:2015-05-15  出版日期:2015-10-14
中文关键词: 高血压  降压药物  依从性
英文关键词: Hypertension  Antihypertensive drug  Compliance
缴万里 063000 唐山市工人医院  
王秀艳 开滦总医院  
赵国玉 063000 唐山市工人医院  
张韩锦 063000 唐山市工人医院  
刘海净 开滦总医院 haijing1969@126.com 
摘要点击次数: 4224
全文下载次数: 2670
      目的 探讨影响高血压患者使用降压药物依从性的因素。方法 通过调查问卷分析218例社区高血压患者用药依从性以及主要影响因素,包括药物副作用、服药种类、文化程度、经济状况以及服药周期等。数据统计分析采用SPSS 20.0软件。结果 患者病程、药物种类、服药周期以及药物副作用、经济状况、文化程度、对于高血压病知识的了解程度和心理反应可显著影响患者使用降压药物的依从性,其中依从性低的患者中高中以下学历者占86.67%,不了解高血压病防治知识者占77.33%。结论 高血压患者用药依从性直接关系到疾病的转归,临床治疗时应实施有效措施,提高治疗依从性,维持血压正常水平。
      Objective To understand the compliance of antihypertensive drug use in patients with hypertension. Methods A retrospective analysis was conducted among 218 patients with hypertension to understand their drug use compliancy and influencing factors,including side effect of the drugs,drug type,educational level,economic status and drug use length. Results The factors including disease course,drug type,drug use length and drug side effects,the economy status,educational level,awareness of hypertension related knowledge and psychological reaction could significantly influence the compliance of antihypertensive drug use. Among the patients surveyed,86.67% of them with poor drug use compliance had only an educational level less than senior high school,77.33% had poor awareness of hypertension related knowledge. Conclusion The antihypertensive drug use compliance in patients with hypertension is directly related to the outcome of the disease in clinical treatment. It is necessary to take effective measures to improve the treatment compliance and maintain normal blood pressure level of the patients.
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