Infestation status Aedes albopictus and related mosquito-borne infectious disease risk in central urban area in Shanghai
收稿日期:2016-02-25  出版日期:2016-05-13
中文关键词: 白纹伊蚊  住区  DNA条形码  寨卡病毒  上海中心城区
英文关键词: Aedes albopictus  Residential areas  DNA barcoding  Zika virus  Central urban area of Shanghai
高强 200032 上海, 复旦大学公共卫生学院流行病学教研室
200023 上海市黄浦区疾病预防控制中心病媒生物防治科 
熊成龙 200032 上海, 复旦大学公共卫生学院卫生微生物学教研室 xiongchenglong@fudan.edu.cn 
周毅彬 200336 上海市疾病预防控制中心病媒生物防治科  
曹晖 200023 上海市黄浦区疾病预防控制中心病媒生物防治科  
姜庆五 200032 上海, 复旦大学公共卫生学院流行病学教研室  
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      目的 了解白纹伊蚊在上海中心城区的侵害状况,分析蚊媒传染病在上海城市环境的流行与传播风险。方法 采用CO2法在上海城区绿地与居民区环境进行连续性成蚊观察,分析白纹伊蚊种群密度及季节消长趋势特点及新变化;对城区采集的白纹伊蚊样本进行核酸提取并测序,通过与疫区伊蚊进行序列比对,分析上海城区白纹伊蚊对相关蚊媒病毒的易感性及流行风险。结果 白纹伊蚊是上海中心城区的优势蚊种,住区白纹伊蚊构成比(78.53%)高于绿地(19.99%),差异有统计学意义(χ2=15525.168,P<0.001)。白纹伊蚊在住区环境的密度[分别为11.91、42.02只/(天·观察点)]均高于绿地环境[分别为3.65、2.18、2.73只/(天·观察点)],差异有统计学意义(F=7.704,均P<0.001);2014年住区环境白纹伊蚊呈明显上升的趋势[构成比94.69%,平均密度42.02只/(天·观察点)],其中旧式里弄环境白纹伊蚊密度最高。上海市的白纹伊蚊与2005-2011年非洲开展白纹伊蚊基因分型在进化树上的遗传距离甚大。结论 上海及相邻地区不存在埃及伊蚊,但市中心白纹伊蚊侵害明显,大幅降低白纹伊蚊的侵害是控制寨卡病毒传播的关键。
      Objective To evaluate Aedes albopictus infestation status in the central urban area of Shanghai, and analyze the related epidemic risk of mosquito-borne infectious disease. Methods Consecutive mosquito surveillance was conducted in the green lands and residential areas in the central urban area of Shanghai during 2012-2014, the Aedes albopictus density and its seasonal fluctuation were observed; the sequence of Aedes albopictus in Shanghai was aligned with that in other epidemic area abroad, and the susceptibility of Aedes albopictus to mosquito-borne virus and endemic risk were analyzed. Results No Aedes aegypti was found in the central urban area of Shanghai. As predominant species in both the residential area and the green lands, the proportion of Aedes albopictus in the residential area was significantly higher than that in the green lands (78.53% vs. 19.99%, χ2=15 525.168, P<0.001), and so was the density (11.91, 42.02 pcs/day·site in the residential area vs. 3.65, 2.18, 2.73 pcs/day·site in the green lands, all P value <0.001). In 2014, the density reached 42.02 pcs/day·site and the proportion reached 94.69% in the residential areas. Phylogenetic tree analysis showed that the genetic distance between Aedes albopictus in Shanghai and Aedes albopictus in Africa was quite far. Conclusion No Aedes aegypti was found in Shanghai and its surrounding areas, while Aedes albopictus infestation in the central urban area of Shanghai was serious. Strict measures should be taken to reduce the Aedes albopictus density for the effective control Zika virus spread.
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