Disease burden of prostate cancer among men in China, from 1990 to 2013
收稿日期:2016-03-04  出版日期:2016-06-14
中文关键词: 前列腺癌  发病率  死亡率  疾病负担
英文关键词: Prostate cancer  Incidence  Mortality  Burden of disease
齐金蕾 100050 北京, 中国疾病预防控制中心慢性非传染性疾病预防控制中心生命登记与死因监测室  
王黎君 100050 北京, 中国疾病预防控制中心慢性非传染性疾病预防控制中心生命登记与死因监测室  
周脉耕 100050 北京, 中国疾病预防控制中心慢性非传染性疾病预防控制中心  
刘韫宁 100050 北京, 中国疾病预防控制中心慢性非传染性疾病预防控制中心生命登记与死因监测室  
刘江美 100050 北京, 中国疾病预防控制中心慢性非传染性疾病预防控制中心生命登记与死因监测室  
刘世炜 100050 北京, 中国疾病预防控制中心慢性非传染性疾病预防控制中心综合防控与评价室  
曾新颖 100050 北京, 中国疾病预防控制中心慢性非传染性疾病预防控制中心综合防控与评价室  
殷鹏 100050 北京, 中国疾病预防控制中心慢性非传染性疾病预防控制中心生命登记与死因监测室 yinpengcdc@163.com 
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      目的 分析1990年与2013年我国男性前列腺癌的死亡和疾病负担变化趋势。方法 利用2013年全球疾病负担(GBD)中国分省研究结果,采用GBD2013世界标准人口对发病率、死亡率、伤残调整寿命年(DALY)率、过早死亡损失寿命年(YLL)率和伤残损失寿命年(YLD)率进行标化。分析1990年和2013年我国男性前列腺癌发病、死亡及其造成的疾病负担的变化情况。结果 与1990年相比,2013年我国男性前列腺癌发病人数、死亡人数、标化发病率及标化死亡率均大幅增加,发病人数从1.38万增至8.14万,增加490.27%;死亡人数从0.58万增至1.78万,增加206.86%;标化发病率由4.48/10万增至13.33/10万,增加197.54%;标化死亡率也由1990年的2.26/10万增至3.32/10万,增加46.9%;前列腺癌死亡数占男性恶性肿瘤死亡比例从1990年的0.65%增至2013年的1.26%。发病数、死亡数、发病率及死亡率均随着年龄的增长而不断增高,0~49岁最低,≥80岁最高;1990年和2013年前列腺癌发病率和死亡率在各个年龄段均增加,65~69岁组增幅最大,为228.65%;与1990年相比,2013年前列腺癌造成的DALY、YLL和YLD分别增加30.66万人年(1.05%)、25.51万人年(1.04%)和5.15万人年(1.07%),DALY、YLL和YLD标化率分别增加1.02%、1.01%和1.04%;前列腺癌造成疾病负担占恶性肿瘤比例也存在明显变化,DALY增加1.03%。DALY、YLL和YLD及其标化率随着年龄增长基本呈现上升趋势。0~49岁年龄组均最低,70~79岁年龄组达到最高值,≥80岁略有下降。结论 与1990年相比,2013年我国前列腺癌的发病及死亡率及其造成的疾病负担呈现明显增加,应重点加强防治工作。
      Objective To analyze the disease burden of prostate cancer among men in China in 1990 and 2013. Methods Based on the estimation of data in China from the Global Burden of Disease 2013 (GBD2013), incidence, mortality, the years of life lost due to disability-adjusted life years (DALY), years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL), and years lived with disability (YLD) on prostate cancer for men in China in 1990 and 2013, were standardized by the world standard population used for GBD2013. Incidence, mortality and the disease burden due to prostate cancer in China were analyzed. Results The numbers on incidence, deaths, standardized incidence and mortality rates on prostate cancer increased rapidly in 2013 were compared with the data in 1990. New cases increased by 490.27%, from 13 800 in 1990 to 81 400 in 2013 while number of deaths increased by 206.86%, from 5 800 to 17 800 and the standardized incidence rate increased by 197.54%, from 4.48/100 000 to 13.33/100 000. The standardized mortality rate increased by 46.9%, from 2.26/100 000 to 3.32/100 000. The proportion of deaths due to prostate cancer among all the cancers of men also increased, from 0.65% to 1.26%. Both incidence and death rates increased with age, with the lowest in 0-49 years old and highest in over 80 years old groups. In 1990 and 2013, the incidence and mortality rates of prostate cancer increased in all the age groups, with the highest in 65-69 years old (228.65%). The disease burden on prostate cancer in 2013, compared with the data in 1990 with DALY, YLL and YLD increased by 30.66, 25.51 and 5.15 ten thousand person years, respectively, from 1990 to 2013, with the rates of annual increase as 1.05%, 1.04% and 1.07%, respectively. The age-standardized rate of DALY, YLL and YLD increased in 2013, compared with the data in 1990 with the increasing rate as 1.02%, 1.01% and 1.04%, respectively. The proportion of disease burden due to prostate cancer among all the male cancers showed an increase. The proportion of DALY and YLL increased by 1.03% and 1.04%, respectively. DALY, YLL, YLD and their corresponding rates all increased with age, with the lowest seen in the 0-49 year old group and highest in 70-79 year old group but with slight decline in the group older than 80 years of age. Conclusions Both the incidence and mortality of prostate cancer showed significant increase in China. Prevention and control programs on prostate cancer should be strengthened.
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