Changing trend of four immune-related diseases in Ningxia
收稿日期:2016-02-28  出版日期:2016-08-10
中文关键词: 计划免疫相关疾病  发病率  疾病谱变化
英文关键词: Planned immunization related disease  Incidence  Disease composition changes
林虹 750004 银川, 宁夏医科大学 NXFS68@126.com 
杨炬 750004 银川, 宁夏回族自治区疾病预防控制中心综合业务科  
刘天锡 750004 银川, 宁夏回族自治区卫生和计划生育委员会  
摘要点击次数: 3052
全文下载次数: 1691
      目的 全面了解宁夏回族自治区(宁夏)计划免疫前后及免疫规划后四种计划免疫相关疾病的变化趋势与规律,为加强免疫规划提供建议和依据。方法 采用描述流行病学方法,按照时间顺序对1958-2014年宁夏人口及传染病报告资料进行分析比较。结果 1958-2014年宁夏传染病及四种计划免疫相关疾病的发病率呈显著下降趋势,相关疾病年均总发病率从计划免疫前期176.12/10万,降至免疫规划后2.56/10万。以麻疹发病率最高,其次为百日咳。白喉和脊髓灰质炎分别于1983年和1994年再未出现由野毒株引起的真性病例。结论 实施计划免疫后,四种计划免疫相关疾病的发生得到了很好的控制,社会效益显著,预防接种是控制和消灭相关急性传染病最有效的措施。
      Objective To understand the changing trends of immune-related diseases. Disease patterns from both pre-and post-immunization plan and after the immunization program were described, in order to provide evidence for the formulation and revision of immunization program and policy, in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. Methods According to the time order descriptive method was used to analyze and compare the reported data on infectious diseases in Ningxia, between 1958 and 2014. Results From 1958 to 2014, both incidence and mortality of infectious diseases and four diseases related to the immunization programs, in Ningxia appeared significantly low. Since the implementation of the immunization plan, the incidence and mortality of the 4 diseases declined significantly, with the average annual total incidence as 176.12/100 000 before the immunization plan dropped to 2.56/100 000 when the expanded immunization plan was put into practice. The incidence also showed a downward trend. Among diseases that under the immunization program, the incidence of measles appeared the highest, followed by pertussis. However, none of the case on diphtheria or polio appeared which was caused by the wild strains, in 1983 and 1994. Conclusion After the implementation of the immunization plan, the immune-related diseases seemed to have been under well controlled. and with remarkable social benefit. Immunization programs appeared the most effective measures to control and eliminate the acute infectious diseases in the region.
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