Study of disease burden of chronic hepatitis B and C patients in Shanghai based on Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory: a community-based survey
收稿日期:2016-06-30  出版日期:2017-01-12
中文关键词: 慢性乙型肝炎  慢性丙型肝炎  慢性肝炎患者生命质量测定表  家庭负担量表  干预提纲
英文关键词: Chronic hepatitis B  Chronic hepatitis C  Quality of Life Instruments for Chronic Disease-Chronic Hepatitis  Family Burden Interview Schedule  Intervention
任宏 200336 上海市疾病预防控制中心  
施阳 200336 上海市疾病预防控制中心  
孟炜 200032 上海, 复旦大学公共卫生学院 教育部公共卫生安全重点实验室  
胡家瑜 200336 上海市疾病预防控制中心  
陈越火 200336 上海市疾病预防控制中心  
潘启超 200336 上海市疾病预防控制中心 panqichao@scdc.sh.cn 
摘要点击次数: 4360
全文下载次数: 2023
      目的 探讨上海市慢性肝炎患者的生命质量和家庭负担及其影响因素。方法 采用多阶段整群抽样法,在上海市随机抽取1 478户慢性肝炎患者家庭,每户家庭选择1名患者和1名主要家庭成员纳入调查。以生态系统模型为理论依据,采用心理测量、多因素两水平随机截距模型和多应变量组合模型,分析患者、家庭和社区各层次影响因素间的作用强度和方向。结果 慢性肝炎患者生命质量标准化平均分为(78.70±13.25)分,其中“特异模块”得分最高,“社会功能”得分最低。家庭疾病负担标准化平均分为(12.62±10.74)分,其中“经济负担”得分最高,“家庭成员身体健康”得分最低。多因素固定效应分析提示有8项指标分别与患者生命质量或家庭疾病负担有统计学关联;协方差参数估计提示,在上述两者的总变异中,有14.77%和30.68%的变异由社区间的差异引起。多应变量组合模型提示,上述8项指标中“HCV感染”、“ALT水平异常”、“家庭月平均诊疗费用>3 000元”和“患者家属健康状况不佳”4项指标同时直接作用于患者生命质量和家庭疾病负担;“每周饮酒>1次”指标通过直接作用于患者生命质量,间接对家庭疾病负担产生影响作用;而“本市户籍”、“既往一年内以住院治疗为主”和“家庭成员对接种乙型肝炎疫苗持无所谓态度”3项指标则是通过直接作用于家庭疾病负担,间接对患者生命质量产生影响。结论 分析的8项指标可作为上海市慢性肝炎社区管理的干预提纲并应用于政策转化。
      Objective To systemically analyze family burden, quality of life of chronic hepatitis B and C patients in Shanghai and related influencing factors. Methods A representative sample of chronic hepatitis patients (n=1 478) and their family members (n=1 478) was randomly selected through a multi-stage cluster sampling from 30 communities in 10 districts of Shanghai. One patient and one family member of each family were interviewed using different questionnaires to collect related information. Based on Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems, psychological measurement, two-level random intercept model and multivariable structural equation model were applied to determine the effects and directions of the factors between life quality of chronic hepatitis patients and family burden. Results The mean score of quality of life of chronic hepatitis patients in Shanghai was 78.70±13.25, the score of "specific module" was highest and the score of "social function" was lowest. Additionally, the mean score of burden reported by the family members was 12.62±10.74, the score of "financial burden" was highest, and the score of "effect on family member's health" was lowest. Multivariable structural equation model indicated that eight factors were related with life quality and family burden of patients with chronic hepatitis. Among them, HCV infection, elevated serum alanine aminotransferase level, average monthly cost for patient >3 000 yuan (RMB) and poor health of family members were the direct risk factors for the life quality of the patients as well as family burden. The factor of drinking more than once a week influenced the patients' life quality directly and family burden indirectly. On the contrary, the factors of local household registration, hospitalization and family member's indifferent attitude to hepatitis B vaccination influenced the family burden of the chronic hepatitis patients directly and the life quality of the patients indirectly. Conclusion The findings could be used in the development of community based management and intervention of chronic hepatitis patients in Shanghai.
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