Characteristics on the onset features of scarlet fever in Beijing, 2006-2015
收稿日期:2016-07-19  出版日期:2017-04-27
中文关键词: 猩红热  A组链球菌  描述性流行病学
英文关键词: Scarlet fever  Group A streptococcus  Descriptive epidemiology
吴双胜 100013 北京市疾病预防控制中心传染病地方病控制所
100013 北京市预防医学研究中心 
马春娜 100013 北京市疾病预防控制中心传染病地方病控制所
100013 北京市预防医学研究中心 
彭晓旻 100013 北京市疾病预防控制中心传染病地方病控制所
100013 北京市预防医学研究中心 
张代涛 100013 北京市疾病预防控制中心传染病地方病控制所
100013 北京市预防医学研究中心 
王全意 100013 北京市疾病预防控制中心传染病地方病控制所
100013 北京市预防医学研究中心 
杨鹏 100013 北京市疾病预防控制中心传染病地方病控制所
100013 北京市预防医学研究中心 
摘要点击次数: 4078
全文下载次数: 2002
      目的 分析北京市2006-2015年猩红热发病趋势,并对高发年份发病特征进行分析。方法 应用描述性流行病学方法对“疾病监测信息报告管理系统”中猩红热病例的三间分布特征和病例转归情况、猩红热、链球菌感染/扁桃体炎/咽峡炎(链感)的应急性病例监测结果进行分析。结果 2006-2015年北京市报告猩红热病例27 987例,除2011年外,其他年份发病率介于7.04/10万~18.53/10万之间。2011年共报告病例6 152例,发病率为31.37/10万,较其他年份的平均水平显著上升,病例多发于夏季和冬季、城乡结合部,好发于儿童,常在儿童集聚的场所(幼托机构、学校)流行。2011年5-12月,对4 332例猩红热病例在发病3周后完成了随访,所有病例均痊愈或好转,未发现并发症,无死亡病例。2011年5-12月,36家哨点医院共报告猩红热病例2 725例,临床诊断的链感病例104 013例,全部猩红热与链感病例数的比值为1:38.17;猩红热病例和链感病例的周报告数之间的相关性较高(Pearson相关系数=0.729,P< 0.001),推算2011年A组链球菌导致的链感病例数约为2.14万。结论 2011年北京市猩红热发病水平较往年显著上升,但三间分布特征未见明显变化,且预后较好;存在大量A组链球菌导致的链感病例,可能是猩红热重要的传染源之一。
      Objective This study aimed to explore the incidence trends and onset features of scarlet fever during the years of epidemic, from 2006 to 2015, in Beijing. Methods Spatial, temporal and population distributions, prognosis of the reported cases and surveillance data on scarlet fever and other streptococcal infections (including the patients of streptococcal infection, tonsillitis and isthmitis) were analyzed by the descriptive epidemiological methods. Results A total of 27 987 scarlet fever cases were reported from 2006 to 2015, with the incidence rates as 7.04 to 18.53 per 100 000 persons during these years, except for 2011. A total of 6 152 cases were reported in 2011, with the incidence of 31.37 per 100 000 persons, significantly higher than the average levels of the other years. There were more cases reported in rural-urban continuum, in summer and winter, with most of the cases were children in primary schools and infant-institutes. From May to December in 2011, 4 332 cases were interviewed three weeks after the disease onset, and their conditions improved or recovered, with no death or complication appeared at the follow-up period. There were 2 725 cases of scarlet fever and 104 013 clinical cases of streptococcal infections reported in 36 surveillance hospitals during the same period. The ratio between numbers of scarlet fever cases and streptococcal infection was 1:38.17. The weekly numbers of scarlet fever were remarkably correlated to the streptococcal infections, with a Pearson's correlation coefficient as 0.729 (P< 0.001). Accordingly, we estimated that about 21.4 thousand clinical cases of streptococcal infections that were caused by Group A streptococcus in 2011, in Beijing. Conclusions Incidence of scarlet fever in 2011 was significantly higher than the average levels of other years in Beijing, but characteristics on spatial, temporal and population distributions of scarlet fever remained the same, with good prognosis of the reported cases. A large number of culture-positive Group A streptococcus infections among all the clinical cases of streptococcal infection might have been served as important source on septic infection, of scarlet fever.
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