Prevalence of hyperuricemia in the elderly in 7 areas of China
收稿日期:2017-06-30  出版日期:2018-03-21
中文关键词: 高尿酸血症  老年人  患病率
英文关键词: Hyperuricemia  Elderly  Prevalence
王荣 100053 北京, 首都医科大学宣武医院/北京市老年保健及疾病防治中心/临床流行病学北京市重点实验室
266000 青岛市第八人民医院老年医学科 
汤哲 100053 北京, 首都医科大学宣武医院/北京市老年保健及疾病防治中心/临床流行病学北京市重点实验室 tangzhe@medmail.com.cn 
孙菲 100053 北京, 首都医科大学宣武医院/北京市老年保健及疾病防治中心/临床流行病学北京市重点实验室  
刁丽君 100053 北京, 首都医科大学宣武医院/北京市老年保健及疾病防治中心/临床流行病学北京市重点实验室  
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      目的 分析中国城乡老年人高尿酸血症(HUA)患病情况及人口学特征。方法 采用按类分层分阶段整群抽样方法,在南北方7个城市调查城乡社区≥60岁老年人,共5 376人。入户采用统一调查问卷和体格检查获得样本基本信息及健康状况,并抽血测定血尿酸(UA)水平。采用χ2检验分析不同特征老年群体之间HUA患病率的差异。结果 共完成5 351例城乡社区老年人健康调查,UA平均水平为302.8 μmol/L。其中男性329.5 μmol/L,女性282.7 μmol/L;农村272.4 μmol/L,城市315.5 μmol/L;HUA总患病率达13.1%(加权值),女性(14.1%)高于男性(12.0%)(P<0.05);城市(15.8%)高于农村(6.9%)(P<0.01);南方(16.0%)高于北方(11.6%)(P<0.01);≥60岁UA平均水平及HUA患病率随年龄增长呈上升趋势,在60~、65~、70~、75~、80~岁5个年龄段的HUA患病率及UA平均水平(μmol/L)分别为9.5%(287.7)、11.9%(295.9)、14.5%(308.1)、16.4%(311.6)、21.9%(323.3)(P<0.01)。结论 中国城乡老年人HUA患病率女性高于男性,城市高于农村,南方高于北方,且随年龄增加患病率呈增长趋势。
      Objective To investigate the prevalence of hyperuricemia (HUA) in the elderly in China. Methods A randomized stratified cluster sampling survey was conducted. And 5 376 residents aged ≥ 60 year in 7 Beijing, Xi'an and Harbin in northern China and Chengdu, Chongqing, Changsha and Shanghai in southern China were surveyed. A unified questionnaire was used to collect their basic information, and blood samples were taken from them to detect the level of plasma uric acid (UA). The differences in hyperuricemia prevalence among different groups were compared with χ2 test. Results The mean concentration of plasma UA was 302.8 μmol/L in the elderly surveyed, 329.5 μmol/L in males and 282.7 μmol/L in females, 272.4 μmol/L in rural residents and 315.5 μmol/L in urban residents. Our study showed the prevalence of hyperuricemia was 13.1% in the elderly surveyed. The prevalence of hyperuricemia in women (14.1%) was higher than that in men (12.0%) (P<0.05); and the prevalence of hyperuricemia was higher in urban residents (15.8%) than in rural residents (6.9%) (P<0.01); in southern area (16.0%) than in northern area (11.6%) (P<0.01). Both the plasma UA level and the prevalence of hyperuricemia increased with age in those aged ≥ 60 years. The average prevalence of hyperuricemia were 9.5%, 11.9%, 14.5%, 16.4% and 21.9% and the plasma UA levels were 287.7, 295.9, 308.1, 311.6 and 323.3 μmol/L respectively in age group ≥ 60, 65, 70, 75 and 80 years (P<0.01). Conclusion The result showed that mean concentration of plasma UA was 302.8 μmol/L and the overall prevalence of hyperuricemia was 13.1% in the elderly surveyed in China. The prevalence of hyperuricemia in females was higher than in males, in urban residents than in rural residents and in southern area than in northern area. Both the UA level and prevalence of hyperuricemia increased with age.
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