Epidemiology related to soil-borne nematode disease in Danzhou city, Hainan province
收稿日期:2017-09-06  出版日期:2018-04-18
中文关键词: 土源性线虫  土源性线虫病  改良加藤厚涂片法  流行病学
英文关键词: Soil-borne nematode  Soil nematode disease  Modified Kato thick smear method  Epidemiology
胡波 571700 儋州, 海南省儋州市疾病预防控制中心 604244152@qq.com 
陈国志 571700 儋州, 海南省儋州市疾病预防控制中心  
黄平 571700 儋州, 海南省儋州市疾病预防控制中心  
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      目的 掌握海南省儋州市土源性线虫的流行趋势,探讨其影响因素,为防控海南省儋州市土源性寄生虫病提供依据。方法 依照全国土源性线虫病技术方案中的抽样方法,在儋州市的东、西、南、北、中5个方位各随机抽取1个乡镇的1个行政村作为监测点,随机抽取200名≥ 3周岁常住居民,采用改良加藤厚涂片法和透明胶纸肛拭法进行镜检。结果 本次调查在儋州市5个监测点检测了1 000人的土源性线虫感染情况,土源性线虫感染阳性率为19.5%(195/1 000),与既往调查结果相比呈现明显下降趋势。主要的感染类型为蛔虫、鞭虫、钩虫及蛲虫4种,其中钩虫虫卵感染最多见。不同调查点中,地区的土源性线虫感染阳性率最高(42.5%,85/200)。不同性别的比较中,女性感染率明显高于男性。不同年龄人群中,>60岁人群以及3~10岁的儿童中感染率较高。不同职业人群中,幼托儿童感染率较高,而且主要感染蛔虫和鞭虫。多重感染比例达到16.9%,包括5例三重感染病例。结论 2013-2016年间儋州市土源性线虫感染状况仍然严重,主要以钩虫及鞭虫为主,但总体感染率呈下降趋势。
      Objective To understand the prevalence, trend and related factors on soil-borne nematode in Danzhou city to provide information for prevention and control of the disease. Methods According to the guidelines set by the National National soil-borne nematode technical solutions, one village was randomly chosen from every township as the monitoring location, in the east, west, south and north parts of Danzhou city. A total of 200 residents aged 3 years and over were randomly selected in each monitoring site, with modified Kato thick smear and Cellophane tape anal swab used for microscopy. Results In this survey, we retrospectively analyzed the rates on soil borne nematode infection in five monitoring locations of Danzhou city and the results showed that the overall positive rates of infection was 19.5% (195/1 000). Comparing with the previous surveys, rates on soil-borne parasites infection were decreasing. The main types of soil-borne nematode infection appeared as roundworm, whipworm, hookworm and pinworm in Danzhou city, with rate of hookworm-egg infection ranking the highest (42.5%, 85/200) in Dacheng. The infection rate was seen significantly higher in females than males. People aged over 60 and between 3-10, had a higher rates of infection. Rate on multiple infections reached 16.9%, including 5 triple infection cases. Conclusion Rates of infection on soil-borne nematodes in Danzhou city showed a decreasing trend from 2013 to 2016 with hookworm and whipworm as the major ones.
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