Burden of cardiovascular diseases attributable to metabolism disorders, in Jiangsu province
收稿日期:2018-05-18  出版日期:2018-12-14
中文关键词: 代谢异常  心血管病  人群归因分值  疾病负担
英文关键词: Metabolism disorders  Cardiovascular disease  Population attributable fraction  Burden of disease
俞浩 210009 南京, 江苏省疾病预防控制中心  
范周全 210009 南京, 东南大学公共卫生学院  
罗鹏飞 210009 南京, 江苏省疾病预防控制中心  
苏健 210009 南京, 江苏省疾病预防控制中心  
韩仁强 210009 南京, 江苏省疾病预防控制中心  
周金意 210009 南京, 江苏省疾病预防控制中心 zhoujinyi74@sina.com 
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      目的 估计2015年江苏省≥ 25岁人群归因于代谢异常的主要心血管病(CVD)的疾病负担情况。方法 利用江苏省居民慢性病与营养监测调查、死因监测和2016年全球疾病负担资料,计算江苏省人群归因分值,估算江苏省人群归因于4种代谢异常的缺血性心脏病(IHD)、缺血性卒中(IS)和出血性卒中(HS)的死亡率、过早死亡损失寿命年(YLL)、期望寿命损失和早死概率。结果 3种CVD中,IS死亡率最高,标化死亡率为87.48/10万。高SBP是致CVD死亡的最主要的代谢原因。随着年龄增加,3种CVD的死亡归因于高TC和高BMI的比例下降,归因于高FPG的比例略有上升。代谢异常导致的IHD、IS、HS死亡使期望寿命分别下降1.08、1.07、0.55岁。男性YLL高于女性,且更易因各项代谢异常引起的CVD而发生过早死亡。结论 应将控制血压作为减少CVD疾病负担的重要手段,同时考虑不同代谢因素对不同年龄阶段影响的差异,关注重点人群,制定适宜江苏省CVD综合防治的分层策略。
      Objective To quantify the burden of cardiovascular disease (CVD) deaths that attributed to metabolic disorders in population aged ≥ 25 years in Jiangsu province. Methods The data we used were from the following three sources:1) 2015 Jiangsu Chronic Disease Risk Factor and Nutrition Survey, 2) death surveillance, 3) results of the 2016 Global Burden of Disease Study, based on population attributable fractions (PAF), to analyze related parameters as mortality, years of life lost (YLL), life expectancy (LE) and premature mortality. Results Most people died from ischemic stroke (IS) showed the standard mortality as 87.48/100 000. High SBP appeared as the major cause on CVD deaths. PAF with high cholesterol and high BMI decreased along with the increase of age while high fasting plasma glucose increased. Deaths due to ischemic heart diseases, IS or hemorrhagic stroke that attributed to metabolism disorders would reduce the LE by 1.08, 1.07 or 0.55 years, respectively. Males appeared to have higher YLL than females and were more likely to die from premature CVD, as the consequence of having metabolism disorders. Conclusions Blood pressure control should be considered an important approach to reduce the burden of CVD. According to the characteristics of gender-related risks and the distinct impact of age-related metabolism disorders on different CVD diseases, stratified strategies should be strengthened for comprehensive prevention and control of CVD, in Jiangsu province.
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