Characteristic analysis among MSM-users of the “Online HIV Acquisition Risk Assessment System” in Guangzhou
收稿日期:2019-04-17  出版日期:2019-10-18
中文关键词: 男男性行为人群  艾滋病病毒  感染风险在线自评系统  互联网
英文关键词: Men who have sex with sex  HIV  Infection risk evaluation system  Internet
罗业飞 广州市疾病预防控制中心艾滋病预防控制部 510440  
古羽舟 广州市疾病预防控制中心艾滋病预防控制部 510440  
钟斐 广州市疾病预防控制中心艾滋病预防控制部 510440  
徐慧芳 广州市疾病预防控制中心艾滋病预防控制部 510440  
蔡衍珊 广州市疾病预防控制中心艾滋病预防控制部 510440  
樊莉蕊 广州市疾病预防控制中心艾滋病预防控制部 510440  
赵宇腾 广州市疾病预防控制中心艾滋病预防控制部 510440  
韩志刚 广州市疾病预防控制中心艾滋病预防控制部 510440  
何蔚云 广州市疾病预防控制中心艾滋病预防控制部 510440  
蒙钢 岭南伙伴社区支持中心, 广州 510080  
贾晓飞 广州市天河区疾病预防控制中心 510655  
程伟彬 广州市疾病预防控制中心艾滋病预防控制部 510440 chwb817@gmail.com 
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      目的 分析2015-2017年广州市MSM使用HIV感染风险在线自评系统(自评系统)在不同情况下HIV感染风险的特征。方法 采集广州市MSM 2015-2017年自评系统使用者的评估数据,基于自评系统的HIV感染危险度评估模型,将危险因素赋值为危险分数,以普通人群为参照组(R值为0.9~1.1),由低到高的风险等级分为极低风险(R≤0.5)、低风险(0.5 < R≤0.9)、中度风险(0.9 < R≤1.1)、高度风险(1.1 < R≤2.0)和极高风险(R>2.0)。比较MSM不同情况下的风险等级、可改变危险因素得分的特征差异。结果 共纳入研究对象MSM 4 601人,年龄16~64(28.38±7.11)岁,户籍分别为广州市、广东省和外省的各占38.6%(1 776/4 601)、35.4%(1 629/4 601)和26.0%(1 197/4 601),文化程度本科及以上的占59.6%(2 742/4 601),性取向为男同性恋的占81.3%(3 741/4 601)。风险等级为极低、低、中度、高和极高风险的分别为12.9%(594/4 601)、50.9%(2 342/4 601)、17.0%(783/4 601)、14.8%(682/4 601)和4.3%(200/4 601)。可改变危险因素得分逐年降低(P<0.05)。相比于其他的性角色和性取向者,性角色为“插入方或被插入方均做”、性取向为异性恋者的可改变危险因素得分均较高(P<0.05)。结论 广州市MSM自评系统使用者的风险等级评分值得关注,性角色为“插入方或被插入方均做”和性取向为异性恋者的风险等级和可改变因素危险得分均最高,需进一步研究其原因和可行的干预策略。
      Objective To analyze the characteristics of levels related to the risk through self-evaluation system, among MSM users in Guangzhou, between 2015 and 2017. Methods Between 2015 and 2017, data was collected from the users of a self-evaluation system network related to HIV infection, based on the previous ‘HIV health risk appraisal model’. Information on risk factors was collected to calculate the scores and levels of risks and to estimate the incidence of HIV. Taking the reference of R value on risks as (R=0.9-1.1) in general population. The ones with very low risk, with low risk, moderate risk, high risk and very high risk were set as R ≤ 0.5, 0.5<R ≤ 0.9, 0.9<R ≤ 1.1, 1.1<R ≤ 2.0 and R>2.0, respectively. The scores of modifiable risk factors were compared with different subgroups of MSM. Results A total of 4 601 MSM were involved in this study, with the following features presented as:aged 16-64 (28.38±7.11) years, proportions of residence from Guangzhou, Guangdong province or other provinces as 38.6%(1 776/4 601)、35.4%(1 629/4 601) and 26.0%(1 197/4 601), 59.6%(2 742/4 601) received bachelor or above degrees. 81.3%(3 741/4 601) of them claimed as having homosexual orientation. R values of risk level on very low risk, low risk level, moderate risk, high risk and very high risk appeared as 12.9%(594/4 601), 50.9%(2 342/4 601), 17.0%(783/4 601), 14.8%(682/4 601) and 4.3%(200/4 601), respectively. Scores of modifiable risk factors decreased year by year (P<0.05), among MSM in this study. In either of the groups that experiencing insertive or receptive sex, the ones with heterosexual orientation presented the highest scores of modifiable risk factors (P<0.05). Conclusions The risk levels on HIV infections called for special attention among the users of the self-evaluation network system. Among the MSM that carrying either insertive or receptive sex role, the ones with heterosexual orientation had the highest risk levels and scores of modifiable risk factors in Guangzhou. Further study should be explored to better understand the causes of related risks.
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