Related factors on sexual partners regarding receipt of HIV test among HIV positive men who have sex with men in Zhejiang province
收稿日期:2019-04-02  出版日期:2019-12-20
中文关键词: 艾滋病病毒  男男性行为人群  性伴检测  影响因素
英文关键词: HIV  Men who have sex with men  Sexual partners testing  Related factors
倪志侃 宁波大学医学院 315211
浙江省疾病预防控制中心艾滋病性病预防控制所, 杭州 310051 
罗明宇 浙江省疾病预防控制中心艾滋病性病预防控制所, 杭州 310051  
潘晓红 浙江省疾病预防控制中心艾滋病性病预防控制所, 杭州 310051  
蒋均 浙江省疾病预防控制中心艾滋病性病预防控制所, 杭州 310051  
陈琳 浙江省疾病预防控制中心艾滋病性病预防控制所, 杭州 310051  
夏时畅 浙江省疾病预防控制中心艾滋病性病预防控制所, 杭州 310051 xsc@zjwjw.gov.cn 
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      目的 了解浙江省MSM HIV感染者(MSM感染者)成功动员性伴参与HIV检测的情况及影响因素。方法 以浙江省2015-2017年MSM感染者作为研究对象,提供4种性伴检测服务方式,调查其动员性伴参与HIV检测情况。用χ2检验比较组间差异,用多因素logistic回归模型分析其影响因素。结果 2015-2017年浙江省新确证的6 269例MSM感染者中,成功动员性伴检测的1 925例(30.7%,1 925/6 269),拒绝动员性伴检测的4 344例(69.3%,4 344/6 269)。共成功动员2 126名性伴,性伴HIV阳性率为13.0%(277/2 126,95% CI:11.6%~14.5%),78.7%(218/277,95% CI:73.8%~83.6%)的阳性性伴为新确证感染病例。多因素logistic回归分析结果显示,在2016年参与调查(与2015年参与调查相比,OR=1.581,95% CI:1.370~1.823)、在2017年参与调查(与2015年参与调查相比,OR=1.394,95% CI:1.208~1.608)、现住址在检测发现地所在地市(与现住址在检测发现地以外地区相比,OR=1.518,95% CI:1.320~1.745)、已婚有配偶(与未婚/离异/丧偶相比,OR=4.449,95% CI:3.837~5.160)、文化程度为初中及以下(与高中及以上相比,OR=1.203,95% CI:1.058~1.367)、既往同性性伴数>5(与既往同性性伴数为1~5相比,OR=1.236,95% CI:1.095~1.395)、主动检测(与被动检测相比,OR=1.340,95% CI:1.193~1.506)的MSM感染者更愿意动员性伴参与HIV检测。同性性伴中HIV阳性者与其对应的MSM感染者在人口学特征上无统计学差异。结论 MSM感染者动员性伴参与检测是扩大HIV检测的重要补充,可以高效地发现潜在阳性者,但是其成功动员性伴检测率仍需进一步提高。建议将性伴动员检测纳入日常工作当中,并重点关注与MSM感染者社会人口学特征相似的性伴。
      Objective To understand the situation and influencing factors related to the promotion of HIV testing program among sex partners in newly diagnosed HIV positive MSM in Zhejiang province during 2015 to 2017. Methods Newly diagnosed HIV positive MSM in Zhejiang province from 2015 to 2017 were collected and provided four rounds of testing services to their sexual partners so as to study the consequences. Chi-square test was conducted to compare the difference between groups while multivariate logistic regression was conducted to analyze the related influencing factors. Results A total of 6 269 HIV positive MSM were provided with four rounds of testing services to their sexual partners. 1 925 HIV positive MSM (30.7%, 1 925/6 269) were successfully persuaded in mobilizing their sexual partners to participate in the HIV testing services. However, 4 344 HIV positive MSM (69.3%, 4 344/6 269) refused to do so. A total of 2 126 sexual partners received HIV testing and the HIV positive rates of those sexual partners appeared as 13.0% (277/2 126, 95% CI:11.6%-14.5%) and 78.7% (218/277, 95% CI:73.8%-83.6%). Results from the multivariate logistic regression analysis indicated that factors as:HIV positive MSM that participated in the study in 2016 (compared with participated in the study in 2015, OR=1.581, 95% CI:1.370-1.823), in 2017 (compared with participated in the study in 2015, OR=1.394, 95% CI:1.208-1.608), living in the reporting city (compared with lived outside the reporting city, OR=1.518, 95% CI:1.320-1.745), being married (compared with unmarried/divorced/widowed, OR=4.449, 95% CI:3.837-5.160), having education level of junior high school or below (compared with education level of senior high school or above, OR=1.203, 95% CI:1.058-1.367), numbers of homosexual partners >5, (compared with numbers of homosexual partner from past between 1-5, OR=1.236, 95% CI:1.095-1.395), active detection (compared with passive detection, OR=1.340, 95% CI:1.193-1.506) were more likely to relate to the successful persuasion on their sexual partners to receive the HIV testing. There was no statistical difference noticed between HIV-infected homosexual partners and their corresponding HIV positive MSM, in terms of socio-demographic situations. Conclusions HIV positive MSM should promote their sexual partners to receive HIV testing. This seemed an important role in expanding the HIV testing in this population. However, the program needs to be further improved and included in daily work, focusing on those partners with similar social and demographic characteristics with those infected MSM.
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