Exposure to famine in fetus and infant period and risk for hypertension in adulthood
收稿日期:2019-04-28  出版日期:2020-01-14
中文关键词: 胎儿期暴露  饥荒  高血压  营养不良
英文关键词: Fetal exposure  Famine  Hypertension  Malnutrition
游玥玥 吉林大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学教研室, 长春 130021
深圳市南山区慢性病防治院健康教育科 518000 
宋岩 吉林大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学教研室, 长春 130021  
王沫涵 吉林大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学教研室, 长春 130021  
张丽丽 吉林大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学教研室, 长春 130021  
白微 吉林大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学教研室, 长春 130021  
于玮莹 吉林大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学教研室, 长春 130021  
于雅琴 吉林大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学教研室, 长春 130021  
寇长贵 吉林大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学教研室, 长春 130021 koucg@jlu.edu.cn 
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      目的 探讨胎儿和婴儿时期饥荒暴露与成年后高血压患病风险之间的关系。方法 基于2012年吉林省慢性病调查数据,选取1956-1965年出生的5 960名研究对象,分为未暴露(1963-1965年)、胎儿期暴露(1959-1961年)、儿童早期暴露(1956-1958年)和过渡(1962年)4组。采用logistic回归模型探讨早期饥荒暴露与成年期高血压患病风险之间的关系。结果 胎儿期暴露(OR=1.249,95%CI:1.049~1.486)和儿童早期暴露(OR=1.360,95%CI:1.102~1.679)均是高血压的危险因素。在农村地区,与未暴露相比,胎儿期暴露(OR=1.401,95%CI:1.091~1.798)和儿童早期暴露(OR=1.460,95%CI:1.145~1.862)增加了其成年后高血压的患病危险。女性胎儿期暴露于饥荒中高血压风险增加36.0%(95%CI:7.8%~71.7%),女性儿童早期暴露于饥荒高血压风险增加31.9%(95%CI:4.8%~66.0%)。结论 胎儿期暴露于饥荒中可能会增加成年后高血压的患病风险。因此,生命早期均衡营养对预防成年后高血压的发生有重要意义。
      Objective To investigate the relationship between exposure to famine in fetus and infant period and the risks for hypertension in adulthood. Methods A total of 5 960 participants born between 1956 and 1965 were included in the study and were divided into unexposed group (1963-1965), fetal exposed group (1959-1961), early-childhood exposed group (1956-1958) and transitional group (1962). Logistic regression model was used to explore the association between famine exposure in early life and the risk for hypertension in adulthood. Results Both the fetal exposure and the early-childhood exposure were the risk factors for hypertension in adulthood (OR=1.249, 95%CI:1.049-1.486 and OR=1.360, 95%CI:1.102-1.679). Meanwhile, in rural area, compared with unexposed group, the fetal exposure (OR=1.401, 95%CI:1.091-1.798) and the early-childhood exposure (OR=1.460, 95%CI:1.145-1.862) were also associated with a greater risk of hypertension in adulthood. In addition, fetal exposure and early-childhood exposure to famine in women were associated with 36.0% and 31.9% increased risks for hypertension (95%CI:7.8%-71.7% and 95%CI:4.8%-66.0%) according to the stratified analysis. Conclusion Fetal exposure to famine might increase the risk for hypertension in adulthood.
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