Effect of abdominal obesity in childhood on abdominal obesity in adulthood
收稿日期:2019-05-14  出版日期:2020-04-01
中文关键词: 肥胖  腰围  儿童期  成年期
英文关键词: Obesity  Waist circumference  Childhood  Adulthood
侯亚苹 山东大学公共卫生学院流行病学系 山东大学儿童心血管研究中心, 济南 250012  
李智贤 山东大学医药卫生管理学院, 济南 250012  
羊柳 山东大学公共卫生学院流行病学系 山东大学儿童心血管研究中心, 济南 250012  
赵敏 山东大学公共卫生学院食品卫生与营养学系, 济南 250012  
席波 山东大学公共卫生学院流行病学系 山东大学儿童心血管研究中心, 济南 250012 xibo2010@sdu.edu.cn 
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      目的 探讨儿童期腹型肥胖对成年期腹型肥胖的影响。方法 基于"中国居民健康与营养调查"1993-2011年的研究数据,该调查要求研究对象在儿童期(7~17岁)和成年期(≥ 18岁)至少各随访一次。本研究选取儿童期第1次和成年期最后1次随访数据,最终纳入1 366名(男性占61.4%)研究对象。采用偏相关分析探讨儿童期腰围与成年期腰围的相关性。采用Cox回归模型分析儿童期腹型肥胖对成年期腹型肥胖的影响。结果 研究队列的中位随访时间为10.4年。36.4%(28/77)的儿童期腹型肥胖会持续至成年期。儿童期腰围与成年期的腰围存在中度关联(r=0.32,P<0.001)。与腰围正常儿童相比,腹型肥胖儿童在成年期发生腹型肥胖的风险增加(HR=7.54,95%CI:4.91~11.58)。结论 儿童期腹型肥胖显著增加成年期腹型肥胖的发生风险。
      Objective To examine the effect of childhood abdominal obesity on abdominal obesity in adulthood. Methods Based on data from the "China Health and Nutrition Survey (CHNS)" 1993-2011, the participants who were followed up at least once in childhood (7-17 years old) and adulthood (≥ 18 years old) were the potential eligible ones for the inclusion. The first follow-up data in childhood and the last follow-up data in adulthood were finally included in this study, and there were 1 366 participants (males:61.4%). Partial correlation analysis was used to examine the correlation of waist circumference in childhood with adult waist circumference. Cox regression model was used to examine the effect of abdominal obesity in childhood on abdominal obesity in adulthood. Results The median follow-up of this cohort was 10.4 years. 36.4% (28/77) of children with abdominal obesity remained abdominally obese in adulthood. The coefficient of partial correlation was moderate for association of childhood waist circumference with adult waist circumference (r=0.32, P<0.001). The risk of abdominal obesity in adulthood was significantly increased in abdominal obese children (HR=7.54, 95%CI:4.91-11.58) compared with children with normal waist circumference. Conclusion Children with abdominal obesity significantly increases the risk of abdominal obesity in adulthood.
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