Analysis on incidence and mortality of ovarian cancer in Jiangsu province, 2006-2015
收稿日期:2020-03-02  出版日期:2020-11-25
中文关键词: 卵巢癌  发病率  死亡率  趋势
英文关键词: Ovarian cancer  Incidence  Mortality  Trend
朱健 启东市人民医院, 启东肝癌防治研究所, 南通大学附属启东医院 226200  
蒋明博 启东市人民医院, 启东肝癌防治研究所, 南通大学附属启东医院 226200  
武鸣 江苏省疾病预防控制中心, 南京 210009  
韩仁强 江苏省疾病预防控制中心, 南京 210009  
王军 启东市人民医院, 启东肝癌防治研究所, 南通大学附属启东医院 226200  
缪伟刚 江苏省疾病预防控制中心, 南京 210009  
罗鹏飞 江苏省疾病预防控制中心, 南京 210009  
周金意 江苏省疾病预防控制中心, 南京 210009 zhoujinyi74@sina.com 
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      目的 分析2015年江苏省卵巢癌发病和死亡现状及2006-2015年卵巢癌发病和死亡变化趋势,为江苏省卵巢癌防治提供依据。方法 利用2018年江苏省CDC收集的35个登记处2015年肿瘤登记资料,从中抽取卵巢癌数据,计算分城乡、年龄组发病(死亡)率、中国人口标化率(中标率)、世界人口标化率(世标率)、累积发病(死亡)率(0~74岁)、截缩发病(死亡)率(35~64岁)等指标,结合2015年江苏省户籍人口资料,估算全省卵巢癌发病(死亡)数。汇总2006-2015年全省肿瘤登记资料,利用Joinpoint软件分析卵巢癌发病(死亡)粗率、中标率、世标率的年度变化百分比(APC)。结果 2015年江苏省估计卵巢癌新发病例2 229例,约占女性全部恶性肿瘤发病的2.23%,位居女性恶性肿瘤发病顺位第12位;估计卵巢癌死亡1 239例,占女性全部恶性肿瘤的2.18%,位居女性恶性肿瘤死亡顺位第13位。江苏省女性卵巢癌发病率为5.91/10万,中标率为4.01/10万,世标率为3.81/10万,累积发病率(0~74岁)为0.42%。卵巢癌死亡率为3.29/10万,中标率为1.99/10万,世标率为1.96/10万,累积死亡率(0~74岁)为0.24%。2006-2015年江苏省卵巢癌发病粗率APC为4.66%(95% CI:2.11%~7.29%),死亡粗率APC为7.45%(95% CI:5.46%~9.47%),均P<0.05;卵巢癌发病中标率APC为2.30%(95% CI:-0.32%~4.99%),发病世标率APC为2.41%(95% CI:-0.29%~5.20%),均P>0.05;死亡中标率APC为4.43%(95% CI:2.54%~6.36%),死亡世标率APC为4.55%(95% CI:2.58%~6.57%),均P<0.05。结论 江苏省卵巢癌发病率、死亡率处于较低水平,城市高于农村,卵巢癌发病粗率、死亡粗率均呈上升趋势,经标化后发病趋势尚平稳,但死亡趋势上升明显。
      Objective To estimate the incidence/mortality of ovarian cancer in 2015 and the incidence/mortality trend of ovarian cancer from 2006 to 2015 in Jiangsu province, and provide evidence for prevention and treatment of ovarian cancer in Jiangsu. Methods The incidence and death data of cancer in Jiangsu from 2006 to 2015 collected from 35 cancer registries and verified by Jiangsu provincial CDC in 2018 were used for the extraction of ovarian cancer data. The data were stratified by urban and rural, gender and age groups. The crude rates of incidence and mortality, age-standardized incidence/mortality rates (ASIR/ASMR), cumulative incidence/mortality rates (0-74 years) and truncated incidence/mortality rates (35-64 years) of ovarian cancer were calculated. Chinese population census in 2000 and world Segi’s standard population were used for the calculations of age-standardized incidence/mortality rates. Software Joinpoint was used to analyze the annual percentage changes (APCs) of two rates from 2006 to 2015. Results It was estimated that 2 229 ovarian cancer cases occurred in Jiangsu in 2015, accounting for 2.23% of all cancer cases and ranking 12th of cancer incidence in women. The crude incidence rate was 5.91/100 000, the age-standardized incidence rates by Chinese standard population (ASIRC) and by world standard population (ASIRW) were 4.01/100 000 and 3.81/100 000, respectively. The cumulative incidence rate (0-74 years) was 0.42%. It was estimated that 1 239 deaths of ovarian cancer occurred in Jiangsu in 2015, accounting for 2.18% of all cancer deaths and ranking 13th of cancer mortality in women. The crude mortality rate was 3.29/100 000, the ASMRC and ASMRW were 1.99/100 000 and 1.96/100 000, respectively. The cumulative mortality rate (0-74 years) was 0.24%. The APCs of crude incidence rate and crude mortality rate were 4.66% (95%CI: 2.11%-7.29%) and 7.45% (95%CI: 5.46%-9.47%) (all P<0.05). The APCs of ASIRC and ASIRW were 2.30% (95%CI: -0.32%-4.99%) and 2.41% (95%CI: -0.29%-5.20%) (all P>0.05), and the APCs of ASMRC and ASMRW were 4.43% (95%CI: 2.54%-6.36%) and 4.55% (95%CI: 2.58%-6.57%) (all P<0.05). Conclusions The incidence and mortality of ovarian cancer in Jiangsu were at low levels, and were higher in urban areas than in rural areas. The crude incidence and mortality rates increased, and age-standardized incidence rate was stable, but age-standardized mortality rate increased obviously.
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