A survey on the willingness of college students majoring in public health to work in their majors
收稿日期:2020-06-29  出版日期:2021-03-29
中文关键词: 公共卫生  在校生  就业意愿
英文关键词: Public health  Current student  Employment preference
梁博文 中山大学公共卫生学院(深圳), 深圳 518107  
詹岳伟 中山大学公共卫生学院(深圳), 深圳 518107  
冯安萍 中山大学公共卫生学院(深圳), 深圳 518107  
高延晓 中山大学公共卫生学院(深圳), 深圳 518107  
李佩阳 中山大学公共卫生学院, 广州 510080  
舒跃龙 中山大学公共卫生学院(深圳), 深圳 518107  
邹华春 中山大学公共卫生学院(深圳), 深圳 518107 zouhuachun@mail.sysu.edu.cn 
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      目的 了解我国公共卫生专业高校本科、硕士和博士在校学生(公卫生)的基本素质和就业意愿,探讨就业意愿的影响因素。方法 通过网络问卷调查,收集公卫生基本素质、就业意愿及其相关影响因素和对中国公共卫生现状的意见等信息。采用χ2检验和多因素logistic回归分析公卫生从事本专业相关工作意愿的影响因素,通过词频分析公卫生对中国公共卫生现状的看法并进行统计描述。结果 共收集2 081份有效问卷,86.54%(1 801/2 081)的公卫生选择未来愿意从事本专业相关工作。目标税后月收入越高者(OR=0.345,95%CI:0.158~0.751),未来从事本专业相关工作的意愿越低;对学校就业指导工作非常满意者(OR=4.072,95%CI:1.234~13.436)相对于非常不满意者来说,未来从事本专业相关工作的意愿更高。结论 我国公卫生未来从事本专业相关工作的意愿主要受薪酬待遇、就业指导和专业岗位认知3个因素影响。适当提高公共卫生相关岗位的薪酬待遇,加强学校就业指导培训和专业认同感的培养有利于增强公卫生从事本专业相关工作的意愿。
      Objective To understand the basic qualities, practitioners will and related influences, of undergraduate, master, and doctoral students majoring in public health (hereinafter referred to as public health students), and explore the influencing factors of practitioners will. Methods Through the online questionnaire survey, we collected information on the basic qualities of the public health students, their practitioners will and related influencing factors, and their opinions on the current state of public health in China. χ2 test and multi-factor logistic regression were used to analyze the influencing factors of public health students' willingness to engage in public health related work, and word frequency analysis was used to conduct a descriptive analysis of public health students' views on public health in China. Results A total of 2 081 pieces of valid information were collected, of which 86.54% (1 801/2 081) of the students in the school chose to engage in public health related work in the future. For public health students, the higher the target after-tax monthly income (OR=0.345, 95%CI:0.158-0.751), the lower the willingness to engage in public health related work in the future; Very satisfied with school employment guidance work (OR=4.072, 95%CI:1.234-13.436) compared with very dissatisfied, the willingness to engage in public health related work in the future is higher. Conclusion The willingness of students in public health related majors to engage in public health related majors in China is mainly affected by three factors:payment levels, employment guidance and professional post recognition. It is recommended to appropriately raise the salaries of public health related positions. Strengthening school employment guidance training and professional identity training is conducive to enhancing the willingness of public health students to engage in relevant work in their profession.
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