HIV infection and related factors among men who have sex with men aged 50 and above
收稿日期:2020-09-28  出版日期:2021-04-22
中文关键词: 艾滋病病毒  男男性行为人群  感染  相关因素
英文关键词: HIV  Men who have sex with men  Infection  Related factor
连隽 北京协和医学院卫生健康管理政策学院 100005  
王文军 济宁医学院 272067  
苏小游 北京协和医学院群医学及公共卫生学院 100005 suxiaoyou@hotmail.com 
陈新月 北京协和医学院卫生健康管理政策学院 100005  
于飞 淡蓝公益, 北京 100020  
米国栋 淡蓝公益, 北京 100020  
刘远立 北京协和医学院卫生健康管理政策学院 100005 liuyuanli_pumc@163.com 
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      目的 分析≥50岁MSM的HIV感染状况及其相关因素,为制定有效的干预策略和措施提供参考。方法 采用方便抽样法,利用同性社交软件Blued 7.1.6进行问卷调查,收集调查对象社会人口学、行为学及自报HIV感染状态等信息。对自报HIV感染相关因素进行单因素χ2检验和多因素logistic回归分析。结果 714例≥50岁MSM研究对象中,自报HIV感染率为17.6%(126/714)。自报HIV感染风险的多因素分析结果显示,离异/丧偶者是已婚者的2.07倍(95%CI:1.34~3.21);HIV相关知识不知晓者是知晓者的1.92倍(95%CI:1.21~3.04);有STD感染史者是无STD感染史者的3.17倍(95%CI:2.09~4.83)。结论 ≥50岁MSM的自报HIV感染率处于较高水平,离异/丧偶、HIV相关知识知晓率低、STD感染史等为自报HIV感染的相关因素。
      Objectives To explore the HIV prevalence and related factors among MSM aged 50 and above and provide evidence on the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS. Methods Based on an MSM social application software Blued 7.1.6, we recruited participants through online convenience sampling to collect demographic variables, behavioral and self-reported HIV infection status, etc. Univariate χ2 test and multivariate logistic regression were used to analyze the related factors of self-reported HIV infection. Results Self-reported HIV infection rate was 17.6%(126/714) among the participants. In multivariable analysis, participants who got divorced or widowed had a 2.07(95%CI:1.34-3.21) times greater risk of self-reported HIV-positive than those who were married. Participants unaware of HIV-related knowledge showed a 1.92(95%CI:1.21-3.04) times greater risk of self-reported HIV-positive than those with better HIV-related knowledge. Participants who have ever been diagnosed with sexually transmitted disease (STD) showed a 3.17(95%CI:2.09-4.83) times greater risk of self-reported HIV-positive than those without STD infection history. Conclusion Our findings indicated that the self-reported HIV infection rate was high among MSM aged 50 and above. Being divorced or widowed, being unaware of HIV-related knowledge and STD infection history was proved related with self-reported HIV infection.
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