Analysis on the difference between life expectancy and healthy life expectancy in Shanghai
收稿日期:2020-04-17  出版日期:2021-06-29
中文关键词: 期望寿命  健康期望寿命  健康寿命损失
英文关键词: Life expectancy  Healthy life expectancy  Loss of healthy life
虞慧婷 上海市预防医学研究院 200336  
夏天 上海市疾病预防控制中心 200336  
王春芳 上海市疾病预防控制中心 200336  
方博 上海市预防医学研究院 200336  
蔡任之 上海市预防医学研究院 200336  
陈蕾 上海市疾病预防控制中心 200336  
晋珊 上海市疾病预防控制中心 200336  
付晨 上海市疾病预防控制中心 200336 fuchen@scdc.sh.cn 
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      目的 分析不同年龄、性别的上海市居民期望寿命和健康期望寿命的差异。方法 分析比较上海市和全球长寿国家/地区期望寿命的变化趋势;利用全球疾病负担研究建立的疾病和健康结局的失能权重,应用Sullivan法测算上海市居民健康期望寿命,并分析不同年龄、性别人群的健康寿命损失。结果 近40年,上海市期望寿命增长了10.86岁,2016年上海市居民期望寿命为83.18岁,其中男性80.83岁,女性85.61岁。健康期望寿命为69.46岁,其中男性为68.68岁,女性为70.23岁;与期望寿命的差距分别为13.72、12.15和15.38岁;分别占期望寿命的16.49%、15.02%和17.97%。与期望寿命相同,各年龄组女性的健康期望寿命均高于男性,平均差距为1.76岁,两者差距在20~24岁组最小为1.36岁,70~74岁组最大为2.24岁。健康期望寿命损失率随着年龄的上升而上升,<65岁女性高于男性,≥65岁则相反。结论 上海市期望寿命已达世界领先水平,但健康寿命损失较大,需要在降低死亡率的基础上进一步提高寿命质量,尤其是女性和≥65岁男性是重点关注人群。
      Objective To analyze the difference of life expectancy and healthy life expectancy among Shanghai residents of different gender and age groups. Methods Compare the trends of life expectancy among Shanghai and other longevity countries/regions. With the disability weights of GBD, Sullivan method was applied to calculate the healthy life expectancy in Shanghai and analyze the loss of healthy life years among the population of different age groups and genders.Results In the past 40 years, life expectancy had increased by 10.86 years in Shanghai. In 2016, the life expectancy of Shanghai residents was 83.18 years old, and 80.83 years old for males and 85.61 years old for females. The healthy life expectancy of Shanghai residents was 69.46 years, and 68.68 years for males and 70.23 years old for females. The gap with life expectancy was 13.72 years old, 12.15 years old and 15.38 years old, respectively. They account for 16.49%, 15.02% and 17.97% of life expectancy, respectively. The healthy life expectancy of women in all age groups is higher than that of men with the average gap of 1.76 years. The difference between the two is as small as 1.36 years at 20-24 years old, and as large as 2.24 years at 70-74 years old. The loss rate of healthy life expectancy increases with age, with women higher than men before age 65 and vice versa after age 65 years old. Conclusions The life expectancy in Shanghai has reached the world leading level, but the healthy life loss is still large. It is necessary to further improve the life quality with the reducing mortality rate, especially for women and men over 65 years old.
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