Screening and analysis of Treponema pallidum specific antibody among childbearing age people in rural areas of Yunnan province, 2013-2017
收稿日期:2021-02-03  出版日期:2021-08-19
中文关键词: 梅毒螺旋体  特异性抗体  育龄人群  农村地区  少数民族
英文关键词: Treponema pallidum  Specific antibody  Childbearing age people  Rural area  Minority ethnic group
谢正媛 云南省人口和计划生育科学技术研究所/云南省生育调节与少数民族优生重点实验室/国家卫生健康委员会西部孕前优生重点实验室, 昆明 650021  
曹光 云南大学教育部自然资源药物化学重点实验室/云南省天然产物转化与应用重点实验室, 昆明 650091  
孔彩 云南省人口和计划生育科学技术研究所/云南省生育调节与少数民族优生重点实验室/国家卫生健康委员会西部孕前优生重点实验室, 昆明 650021  
陈涓涓 云南省人口和计划生育科学技术研究所/云南省生育调节与少数民族优生重点实验室/国家卫生健康委员会西部孕前优生重点实验室, 昆明 650021  
王涛 云南省人口和计划生育科学技术研究所/云南省生育调节与少数民族优生重点实验室/国家卫生健康委员会西部孕前优生重点实验室, 昆明 650021  
郑水 云南省人口和计划生育科学技术研究所/云南省生育调节与少数民族优生重点实验室/国家卫生健康委员会西部孕前优生重点实验室, 昆明 650021  
李宝鑫 云南省人口和计划生育科学技术研究所/云南省生育调节与少数民族优生重点实验室/国家卫生健康委员会西部孕前优生重点实验室, 昆明 650021  
李奕晓 云南省人口和计划生育科学技术研究所/云南省生育调节与少数民族优生重点实验室/国家卫生健康委员会西部孕前优生重点实验室, 昆明 650021  
祖维磊 云南省人口和计划生育科学技术研究所/云南省生育调节与少数民族优生重点实验室/国家卫生健康委员会西部孕前优生重点实验室, 昆明 650021  
叶汉风 云南省人口和计划生育科学技术研究所/云南省生育调节与少数民族优生重点实验室/国家卫生健康委员会西部孕前优生重点实验室, 昆明 650021 1640683205@qq.com 
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      目的 了解云南省农村地区育龄人群梅毒螺旋体感染的流行情况、流行病学特征及相关因素,为孕前优生和科学干预提供依据。方法 研究对象为2013-2017年云南省农村地区接受国家免费孕前优生健康检查的18~49岁育龄夫妇。分析不同特征育龄人群梅毒螺旋体特异性抗体(TPsAb)阳性率及其差异。结果 农村育龄人群中,共筛查2 160 455例研究对象,TPsAb总阳性率为0.38%(8 204/2 160 455)。男性阳性率(0.39%,4 019/1 040 981)高于女性(0.37%,4 185/1 119 474);45~49岁年龄组TPsAb阳性率最高(0.70%,158/22 511);汉族和少数民族TPsAb阳性率均为0.38%,17个少数民族中,哈尼族的TPsAb阳性率最高(0.77%,461/60 153);小学及以下文化程度人群TPsAb阳性率最高(0.54%,2 327/431 275);在云南省16个州(市)中,昭通市育龄人群TPsAb阳性率最高(0.73%,2 049/281 614);深度贫困地区TPsAb阳性率(0.50%,2 963/590 039)高于贫困地区(0.34%,3 115/929 368)和非贫困地区(0.33%,2 126/641 048)。不同特征育龄人群TPsAb阳性率的差异均有统计学意义(线性趋势χ2检验,均P<0.001)。结论 云南省农村地区育龄人群TPsAb阳性率与其性别、年龄、民族、文化程度、筛查地区及地区经济发展水平等因素相关。男性、年龄越大、文化程度越低、哈尼族等少数民族、来自昭通市的TPsAb阳性率和梅毒螺旋体感染风险均偏高。
      Objective To determine the prevalence, epidemiological characteristics, and related factors of syphilis infection among rural childbearing age people to promote medical interventions on pre-pregnancy aristogenesis and syphilis infection in Yunnan province. Methods The subjects in this study were 18-49-year-old rural couples of childbearing age from the National Free Preconception Health Examination Project in Yunnan province during 2013-2017. The descriptive study was carried out to determine the positive rate of Treponema pallidum specific antibody (TPsAb) and related sociodemographic characteristics. Results The overall positive rate of TPsAb was 0.38% (8 204/2 160 455) in 2 160 455 rural childbearing age people in Yunnan. The positive rate of TPsAb was 0.39% (4 019/1 040 981) in men,higher than that in women (0.37%,4 185/1 119 474). The positive rate of TPsAb was highest in the age group 45-49 years (0.70%,158/22 511). The positive rate of TP antibody in the minority ethnic groups and Han ethnic groups appeared the same (0.38%). However,the highest positive rate of TPsAb was 0.77% (461/60 153) in Hani ethnic group among all the 17 minority ethnic groups. People with education level of primary education had the highest anti-TP positive rate (0.54%,2 327/431 275). The positive rate of TPsAb appeared the highest in Zhaotong (0.73%, 2 049/281 614) area among all the 16 prefectures of the province. The positive rate of TPsAb in the population from the impoverished regions (0.50%,2 963/590 039) was higher than in other disadvantaged areas (0.34%, 3 115/929 368) or areas with average income (0.33%,2 126/641 048). Significant differences appeared in the positive rate of TPsAb among populations of different ages, ethnic, education level, and economic level groups (trend χ2test, P<0.001). Conclusions The positive rate of TP antibody in rural childbearing age people in Yunnan was related to multi factors,including sex,age,ethnic group,education level,area, residence, and local economic situation. The positive rate of TPsAb was higher in men than in women. And people with elder age, lower education level, being Hani or Lahu ethnic group, and Zhaotong areas had higher TPsAb positive rates and higher syphilis infection risk.
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