郭建花,张世勇,刘晓松,宋杏.石家庄市藁城区新型冠状病毒肺炎暴发疫情流行特征分析[J].中华流行病学杂志,2021,42(10):1769-1773 |
石家庄市藁城区新型冠状病毒肺炎暴发疫情流行特征分析 |
Epidemiological characteristics of COVID-19 outbreak in Gaocheng district of Shijiazhuan |
收稿日期:2021-04-30 出版日期:2021-10-23 |
DOI:10.3760/cma.j.cn112338-20210430-00359 |
中文关键词: 新型冠状病毒肺炎 暴发 流行特征 |
英文关键词: COVID-19 Outbreak Epidemiological characteristic |
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中文摘要: |
目的 分析石家庄市藁城区新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)暴发疫情的流行特征。方法 利用中国疾病预防控制信息系统传染病监测系统报告的本地病例、CDC流行病学调查报告、国家卫生健康委员会及相关省份公开发布的疫情信息,描述该起疫情的流行特征。结果 2021年1月2日至2月14日,石家庄市共报告COVID-19病例1 033例,罹患率为9.36/10万;疫情分布在石家庄市14个县(市、区),并扩散到河北省在内的5个省份。藁城区病例占石家庄市的83.16%(859/1 033),该区增村镇的小果庄村(299例)、刘家佐村(107例)和南桥寨村(162例)占石家庄市的54.99%,罹患率依次为7 412.00/10万、10 348.16/10万、6 612.24/10万。病例的城乡比为1:15.53,男女性别比为1:1.34,平均年龄40.49岁。2个单日发病高峰分别为2021年1月3日(9.97%,103例,)和9日(9.10%,94例)。发生聚集性疫情的场所307个,以家庭(74.27%,228户)与学校/托幼机构(15.64%,48所)为主。病例平均例数位居前2位的场所是教堂(82.67例/场所)和婚宴/满月宴举办场所(28.29例/场所)。疫情发现前,发病未就诊和在村卫生室/个体诊所就诊的病例占33.02%(313/948)。结论 石家庄市藁城区COVID-19疫情是一起典型的农村地区暴发疫情,导致疫情快速、隐匿传播的主要原因是早期病例未就诊或就诊于初级医疗机构、频繁参加大型聚集活动。 |
英文摘要: |
Objective To describe the epidemiological characteristics of COVID-19 outbreak in Gaocheng district of Shijiazhuan. Methods Data and epidemiological survey reports of COVID-19 cases in the outbreak were collected from China's Infectious Disease Information System, Shijazhuang Municipal Center for Diseases Prevention and Control and official information published by the National Health Commission of China. The data were analyzed, using the descriptive epidemiological method. Results From January 2nd to February 14th, 2021, a total of 1 033 laboratory confirmed COVID-19 cases were reported in Shijiazhuang. The attack rate was 9.36/100 000. The cases were distributed in 14 counties, and most cases (859/1 033, 83.16%) were reported in Gaocheng, and the disease spread to 5 provinces. The cases in Xiaoguo village (299 cases), Liujiazhuo village (107 cases) and Nanqiaozhai village (162 cases) of Zengcun township in Gaocheng accounted for 54.99% of the total cases in Shijiazhuang. The attack rates in the villages mentioned above were 7 412.00/100 000, 10 348.16/100 000 and 6 612.24/100 000, respectively. The ratio of urban cases to rural cases was 1:15.53. The male to female ratio of the cases was 1:1.34. The average age of the cases was 40.49 years. The incidence peaks occurred on January 3rd (9.97%, 103 cases) and on January 9th (9.10%, 94 cases). A total of 307 clusters occurred, in which 228(74.27%) occurred in households and 48 (15.64%) occurred in schools or child care settings. But the clusters related with church ceremony had the highest case numbers (82.67 cases/time), followed by wedding feast or feast celebrating the first month of newborn (28.29 cases/time). About 33.02% (313/948) of symptomatic cases only visited the village doctors or private clinics and had no medical care seeking history before the outbreak.Conclusions The COVID-19 epidemic in Gaocheng of Shijiazhuang was a typical one in rural area. The rapid and hiding transmission of the outbreak was mainly due to the poor health service seeking of the rural residents and the frequent mass gathering. |
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