Epidemiological characteristics of local COVID-19 epidemics and control experience in routine prevention and control phase in China
收稿日期:2021-12-17  出版日期:2022-04-16
中文关键词: 新型冠状病毒肺炎|常态化防控|本土疫情
英文关键词: COVID-19|Routine prevention and control|Local epidemics
周燕 南方医科大学公共卫生学院, 广州 510515  
肖建鹏 广东省公共卫生研究院, 广州 511430  
胡建雄 广东省公共卫生研究院, 广州 511430  
钟豪杰 广东省疾病预防控制中心, 广州 511430  
张倩 广东省公共卫生研究院, 广州 511430  
谢欣珊 广东省公共卫生研究院, 广州 511430  
何冠豪 广东省公共卫生研究院, 广州 511430  
容祖华 广东省公共卫生研究院, 广州 511430  
詹建湘 广东省疾病预防控制中心, 广州 511430  
马文军 暨南大学基础医学与公共卫生学院, 广州 510632 mawj@gdiph.org.cn 
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全文下载次数: 1737
      The COVID-19 pandemic is still ongoing in the world, the risk of COVID-19 spread from other countries or in the country will exist for a long term in China. In the routine prevention and control phase, a number of local COVID-19 epidemics have occurred in China, most COVID-19 cases were sporadic ones, but a few case clusters or outbreaks were reported. Winter and spring were the seasons with high incidences of the epidemics; border and port cities had higher risk for outbreaks. Active surveillance in key populations was an effective way for the early detection of the epidemics. Through a series of comprehensive prevention and control measures, including mass nucleic acid screening, close contact tracing and isolation, classified management of areas and groups at risk, wider social distancing and strict travel management, the local COVID-19 epidemics have been quickly and effectively controlled. The experiences obtained in the control of the local epidemics would benefit the routine prevention and control of COVID-19 in China. The occurrence of a series of COVID-19 case clusters or outbreaks has revealed the weakness or deficiencies in the COVID-19 prevention and control in China, so this paper suggests some measures for the improvement of the future prevention and control of COVID-19.
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