Based on a Markov model, cost-effectiveness analysis of influenza vaccination among people aged 60 years and older in Shenzhen
收稿日期:2021-12-21  出版日期:2022-07-15
中文关键词: 流感疫苗  成本效果分析  马尔科夫状态转换模型
英文关键词: Influenza vaccine  Cost-effectiveness analysis  Markov state transition model
吴晓亮 深圳市疾病预防控制中心, 深圳 518073  
叶兆嘉 深圳市疾病预防控制中心, 深圳 518073 yzj228@126.com 
谢旭 深圳市疾病预防控制中心, 深圳 518073  
黄芳 深圳市疾病预防控制中心, 深圳 518073  
孔东锋 深圳市疾病预防控制中心, 深圳 518073  
冯铁建 深圳市疾病预防控制中心, 深圳 518073  
张顺祥 深圳市疾病预防控制中心, 深圳 518073  
蒋亚文 中山大学公共卫生学院(深圳), 深圳 518107  
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      目的 评估深圳市≥60岁人群免费接种流感疫苗的成本效果。方法 以深圳市≥60岁常住人群为研究对象,构建马尔科夫状态转换模型,从社会的角度来评估与不接种疫苗相比,每年接种流感疫苗预防流感的成本效果。模型以周为周期,研究时限5年,模拟流感发病的季节性变化。采用5%的年贴现率对模型中的成本和质量调整生命年(QALYs)进行贴现并计算净货币效益(NMB),以2019年中国人均国内生产总值GDP(70 892元)作为支付意愿阈值进行评价。单因素和概率敏感性分析用于评估参数不确定性对结果的影响。结果 与不接种疫苗相比,人均节约总成本35元并且多获得0.007个QALYs,人均获得的NMB为529元。单因素敏感性分析的结果显示,流感发病率和流感疫苗保护效果是影响基线结果的主要因素。在1 000次的蒙特卡罗模拟中,接种流感疫苗具有成本效果的概率为100%。结论 与不接种疫苗相比,深圳市≥60岁人群每年接种流感疫苗是一项成本节约的疾病预防策略。
      Objective To assess the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination among people aged 60 years and older in Shenzhen. Methods A Markov state transition model was constructed to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of annual influenza vaccination for preventing influenza infection compared with no vaccination among the elderly from the social perspective. Allowing seasonal variation of influenza activity, the model followed a five-year cohort using weekly cycles. We employed once the Chinese gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in 2019 (70 892 yuan) as the willingness-to-pay (WTP) threshold and calculated the net monetary benefit (NMB) with costs and quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) discounted at 5% annually. The impact of parameter uncertainty on the results was examined using one-way and probabilistic sensitivity analyses (PSA). Results The base case amounted to approximately 35 yuan of cost-saving and a net gain of 0.007 QALYs. Correspondingly, the NMB was 529 yuan per vaccinated person. One-way sensitivity analyses showed that the NMB was relatively sensitive to changes in the attack rate of influenza and vaccine effectiveness. Based on the results of PSA with 1 000 Monte Carlo simulations, influenza vaccination had a probability of being cost-effective in 100% of the repetitions.Conclusions The present study provides evidence that influenza vaccination is a cost-saving disease prevention strategy for people aged 60 years and older in Shenzhen.
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