Experience in emergency response to 2019-nCoV positive cases in an international test competition
收稿日期:2022-09-01  出版日期:2022-12-17
中文关键词: 新型冠状病毒肺炎  冬奥会  应急处置
英文关键词: COVID-19  Winter Olympic Game  Emergency response
武培丽 北京市延庆区疾病预防控制中心, 北京 102100  
王绍华 北京市延庆区疾病预防控制中心, 北京 102100  
张良军 北京市延庆区疾病预防控制中心, 北京 102100  
王留忠 北京市延庆区卫生健康委员会, 北京 102100  
吴禹晴 北京市延庆区疾病预防控制中心, 北京 102100  
王小芳 中国疾病预防控制中心, 北京 102206  
王全意 北京市疾病预防控制中心, 北京 100013  
吴尊友 中国疾病预防控制中心, 北京 102206 wuzy@263.net 
摘要点击次数: 2185
全文下载次数: 825
      目的 对某冬奥会竞赛场馆举办的国际测试活动中新型冠状病毒肺炎应急事件处置情况进行回顾性分析,为同类赛事疫情防控工作提供科学参考。方法 通过回顾性分析法,对新型冠状病毒核酸阳性人员的流行病学调查、核酸检测、沟通对接等防控措施落实情况进行描述分析。结果 在入境前、机场、住地及场馆均报告了入境人员核酸阳性,其中入境前阳性2例,入境后既往感染者复阳2例,无症状感染者3例。场馆与属地协同高效开展流行病学调查,未发生本土疫情传播,但阳性人员核酸检测结果波动,为防控措施落实带来巨大挑战。结论 在大型国际赛事中,境外输入疫情形势严峻,核酸检测结果的波动、阳性的判定与解除标准,以及在事件处置中人性化关怀需充分考虑。
      Objective To analyze the performance of emergency response to 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) positive cases in an international test competition in an Winter Olympic Game venue and provide evidences for the COVID-19 prevention and control in similar competitions. Methods A retrospective analysis on the epidemiological investigation and nucleic acid test results of the cases, the implementation of prevention and control measures, including the communication with sport teams and others, was conducted. Results The positive cases of 2019-nCoV among entering people were detected before entry, at airport, hotel and venue. Two positive cases were reported before entry, 2 positive cases infected previously and 3 asymptomatic cases were reported after the entry. The venue public health team and local CDC conducted epidemiological investigation and contact assessment jointly in a timely and efficient manner. No local secondary transmission occurred, but the nucleic acid test results of positive persons fluctuated, posing serious challenges to the implementation of prevention and control measures.Conclusion In large scale international competition, there is high risk of imported COVID-19. It is necessary to fully consider the fluctuation of nucleic acid test results, the criteria for determination and cancellation of positive results and give warm care to positive cases in the emergency response.
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