Introduction of general population cohort study in southwestern China
收稿日期:2022-10-09  出版日期:2023-01-14
中文关键词: 中国多民族队列  西南  研究进展
英文关键词: China multi-ethnic cohort  Southwestern China  Research progress
赵星 四川大学华西公共卫生学院/四川大学华西第四医院, 成都 610041 xingzhao@scu.edu.cn 
洪峰 贵州医科大学公共卫生学院环境污染与疾病监控教育部重点实验室, 贵阳 550025  
殷建忠 昆明医科大学公共卫生学院, 昆明 650500
保山中医药高等专科学校, 保山 678000 
唐文革 重庆市疾病预防控制中心, 重庆 400042  
张刚 四川省妇幼保健院, 成都 610045  
梁娴 成都市疾病预防控制中心, 成都 610041  
李景中 西藏自治区疾病预防控制中心, 拉萨 850002  
崔超英 西藏大学医学院高原医学研究中心, 拉萨 850033  
李晓松 四川大学华西公共卫生学院/四川大学华西第四医院, 成都 610041  
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      近年来我国慢性非传染性疾病(慢性病)负担逐年加重,且存在区域异质性。我国西南地区地域辽阔,民族众多,地域特色鲜明,慢性病负担沉重,但卫生资源相对匮乏,高危慢性病防控形势严峻。为全面深入解析我国西南地区多民族人群疾病分布模式和潜在暴露风险规律,西南区域自然人群队列项目组受国家重点研发计划“精准医学研究”重点专项资助,于2017年启动西南区域自然人群队列建设。目前,西南区域自然人群队列在四川省、云南省、贵州省、西藏自治区、重庆市5省/市/自治区共招募119 556名30~79岁居民(西藏自治区为18~79岁),已建成大规模、多民族、高质量自然人群队列及生物样本库。项目组围绕西南自然环境、生活方式的健康效应已取得初步研究进展,并对欠发达地区大型队列的构建模式进行了创新,可为复杂地理场景的大规模自然人群队列建立与研究提供借鉴,为我国精准医学研究与多民族疾病防控决策提供高质量基础资源。
      In recent years, the burden of chronic and non-communicable diseases has become more serious in China, and the area specific heterogeneities are obvious. Southwestern China is a vast area with many ethnic groups and distinctive characteristics. While the local health resources are relatively limited, and the prevention and control of high-risk chronic diseases is challenging. In order to comprehensively analyze the disease distribution and potential exposure risk in populations in different ethnic groups in southwestern China, a natural population cohort study in southwestern China (multi-ethnic cohort study) was launched in 2017 with the support of the "Precision Medicine Research" Key Project, National Key Research and Development Program of China. At present, this cohort consists of 119 556 participants aged 30-79 years (18-79 years in Tibet Autonomous Region) and pregnant women in five provinces (municipality), i.e. Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Tibet, and Chongqing. A large-scale, multi-ethnic, high-quality natural population cohort with biobank has been established. The study has made some significant progress in the evaluation of the health impact of environmental and lifestyle factors in southwestern China and developed an innovative model for large cohort establishment in less developed areas. The results of this study can provide a reference for the establishment and research of large natural population cohorts in complex geographical scenarios, and serve as high-quality basic resources for China's precision medicine research and disease prevention and control decisions in areas with multi-ethnic groups.
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