Analysis of the association between diurnal temperature difference and relative humidity and myocardial infarction in Shantou residents
收稿日期:2023-04-04  出版日期:2023-10-12
中文关键词: 急性心肌梗死  分布滞后非线性模型  昼夜温差  相对湿度
英文关键词: Acute myocardial infarction  Distribution lag nonlinear model  Diurnal temperature range  Relative humidity
宋子翊 汕头大学公共卫生学院, 汕头 515041
汕头大学医学院伤害预防研究中心, 汕头 515041 
徐光兴 汕头市疾病预防控制中心, 汕头 515041  
冀艳虎 汕头大学公共卫生学院, 汕头 515041  
李丽萍 汕头大学公共卫生学院, 汕头 515041
汕头大学医学院伤害预防研究中心, 汕头 515041 
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      目的 分析汕头市气象条件对急性心肌梗死(AMI)患者死亡的影响和人群易感性,为当地医疗卫生系统提供防治AMI的科学依据。方法 收集2015年1月1日至2020年12月31日汕头市居民死因监测数据库中因AMI死亡的人群数据,利用分布滞后非线性模型分析昼夜温差和相对湿度对AMI死亡的影响及滞后效应。结果 研究期间汕头市因AMI死亡13 932人,男女性别比为1.3∶1,高昼夜温差暴露和低相对湿度暴露与AMI死亡之间存在显著关联,单日滞后效应均在滞后2 d时出现并达到最大(RR=1.019,95%CI:1.000~1.039;RR=1.018,95%CI:1.003~1.034);累计滞后效应均在滞后0~14 d时达到最大(RR=1.199,95%CI:1.025~1.401;RR=1.279,95%CI:1.117~1.465)。≥75岁老年人和女性是高昼夜温差暴露和低相对湿度暴露条件下的易感人群。结论 昼夜温差和相对湿度与汕头市AMI死亡之间存在显著关联,其影响有明显的滞后性。女性和≥75岁老年人均为高昼夜温差和低相对湿度暴露条件下的易感人群。
      Objective To analyze the effect of meteorological conditions on mortality and population susceptibility of patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in the Shantou area and to provide a scientific basis for the local public health system to prevent AMI. Methods The AMI mortality data recorded in the resident cause of death surveillance database of Shantou from January 1, 2015, to December 31, 2020, were collected and the distribution lag nonlinear model was used to analyze the diurnal temperature range (DTR) and relative humidity (RH) on AMI mortality and the lag effect. Results There were 13 932 deaths due to AMI in Shantou during the study period, with a male-to-female sex ratio of 1.3∶1. There was a significant association between high diurnal temperature difference exposure and low RH exposure and AMI deaths, with both single-day lag effects appearing and reaching a maximum at lag 2 day (RR=1.019, 95%CI: 1.000-1.039; RR=1.018, 95%CI: 1.003-1.034); the cumulative lag effect was all maximal at lag 0-14 day (RR=1.199, 95%CI: 1.025-1.401; RR=1.279, 95%CI: 1.117-1.465). The elderly (≥75 years) and female populations were susceptible to high DTR exposure and low RH exposure conditions. Conclusions There was a significant association between DTR and RH and mortality of AMI in Shantou with a significant lag in their effects. Both female and elderly populations ≥75 years old were susceptible populations under high DTR and low RH exposure conditions.
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