Relationship between illness perceptions and disability in HIV-infected people aged 50 and older in some areas of Sichuan Province
收稿日期:2022-11-08  出版日期:2023-11-17
中文关键词: 艾滋病病毒感染者  中老年  失能  疾病感知
英文关键词: HIV-infected people  Middle aged and elder people  Disability  Illness perception
冯传腾 四川大学-香港理工大学灾后重建与管理学院, 成都 610207
四川大学华西公共卫生学院/华西第四医院, 成都 610041 
余彬 四川大学-香港理工大学灾后重建与管理学院, 成都 610207
四川大学华西公共卫生学院/华西第四医院, 成都 610041 
杨波 成都大学附属医院, 成都 610018  
黄玉玲 四川省疾病预防控制中心, 成都 610041  
余军 四川省泸县疾病预防控制中心, 泸县 646100  
熊君 四川省泸县疾病预防控制中心, 泸县 646100  
何坤明 四川省金堂县疾病预防控制中心, 金堂 610499  
周会彬 四川省简阳市疾病预防控制中心, 简阳 641499  
贾鹏 武汉大学资源与环境科学学院, 武汉 430072  
杨淑娟 四川大学华西公共卫生学院/华西第四医院, 成都 610041
成都大学附属医院, 成都 610018 
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      目的 探索四川省≥50岁HIV感染者疾病感知与失能的关联,以及疾病感知条目对失能状况影响的重要程度。方法 本研究采用多阶段整群抽样,基于2018-2021年在四川省5个区(县)建立的≥50岁HIV感染者队列的基线数据,失能状况调查采用工具性日常生活活动能力(IADL)量表,疾病感知调查采用简明疾病感知量表;构建广义加性模型和广义线性模型,分析≥50岁HIV感染者疾病感知与失能之间的关系;构建加权分位数和回归模型,分析疾病感知各条目在疾病感知与失能之间关联中的重要程度。采用R软件进行统计学分析。结果 共纳入年龄≥50岁HIV感染者1 587例。≥50岁HIV感染者失能患病率为26.1%(414/1 587),疾病感知评分中位数为33分。≥50岁HIV感染者疾病感知评分与IADL评分呈显著负相关(β=-0.15,P<0.001),且当疾病感知评分增加至38分时,对IADL得分的效应显著为负(P<0.05)。个人可控性(32.98%)、疾病后果(22.50%)两个条目对IADL评分影响的贡献率超过了平均贡献率(12.50%)。结论 四川省≥50岁HIV感染者失能患病率较高。当≥50岁HIV感染者疾病感知评分过高时,可重点从个人可控性和疾病后果感知两个方面进行干预,来减少老年HIV感染者失能的发生发展。
      Objective To explore the relationship between illness perceptions and disability, and the relative importance of association of illness perceptions items and disability in HIV-infected people aged ≥ 50 years in Sichuan Province. Methods By using multi-stage cluster sampling, the baseline data of a cohort of HIV-infected people aged ≥ 50 years in 5 counties (district) in Sichuan were obtained from 2018 to 2021. The disability was evalauted with instrumental activities of daily living scale (IADL), and the illness perception was evaluated by using brief illness perception questionnaire. General additive model and general linear model were used to analyze the association between illness perceptions and IADL. Weighted sum quartile sum regression was used to find the dominant items on the association. Software R was used for statistical anlysis. Results A total of 1 587 HIV-inbfected peoeple aged ≥ 50 years were included in this study. The prevalence of disability was 26.1% (n=414). The median score of illness perception was 33. The illness perceptions had a negative effect on the IADL score (β=-0.15, P<0.001) and the partial score of IADL declined when illness perception score was larger than 38 (P<0.05). Personal control (32.98%) and consequence (22.50%) whose weight were higher than average (12.50%) were the dominant items on the association between the score of illness perception and IADL score. Conclusions The prevalence of disability in HIV-infected people aged ≥ 50 years in Sichuan was high. It is necessary to intervent on personal control and consequence in HIV-infected people aged ≥ 50 years when their illness perception scores are high to prevent the incidence and development of disability.
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