迮文远,苏万年,张国华,董春明,刘保奎.我国正常人群破伤风免疫监测[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1987,8(3):133-135
A Serological Survey on Tetanus Antibody of Normal Population in China
English Key Word: 
Author NameAffiliation
Ze Wenyuan National Vaccine and Serum Institute, Beijing 
苏万年 National Vaccine and Serum Institute, Beijing 
张国华 National Vaccine and Serum Institute, Beijing 
董春明 National Vaccine and Serum Institute, Beijing 
刘保奎 National Vaccine and Serum Institute, Beijing 
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English Abstract:
      It's well known that a serum with 0.01IU/ml antibody level can protect people against tetanus infection, and a serum with 0.01IU/ml in pregnant women can protect the newborn against neonatal tetanus. In order to know the immune status in women of childbearing age, a serological survey on tetanus antibody of normal population was performed. A total number of 13,355 serum specimens were collected randomly from persons of all ages (5-10, 11-15, 16-20, >21) in both urban and rural areas in 19 provinces. Standard Indirect Hemagglutination test was perfomed in the same laboratory. Specimens with ≥0.01IU/ml account for 47.11%. of 1,690 childbearing women, only 38.22% has an antibody level of ≥0.01 IU/ml. The lowest is Gansu, only 4.35% has protective level of tetanus antibody. In those areas, the pregnant women or childbearing age women should be immunized urgently.
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