何耀,李良寿,李兰荪,万志恒.高血压与冠心病[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1989,10(5):282-286 |
高血压与冠心病 |
Hypertension and Angiographically Defined Coronary Heart Disease |
DOI: |
KeyWord: 冠心病 冠状动脉造影术 高血压 病例对照研究 |
English Key Word: Coronary heart disease (i.e. CHD) Coronary arteriography Hypertension Case-Control study |
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Abstract: |
对103例经冠脉造影确诊的冠心病患者1:1配对进行病例对照调查,结果为:有高血压病史者患冠心病的OR为4.636;高血压水平及年限与冠心病的OR值及冠状动脉病变程度间有剂量反应关系;经常服降压药则可使其患冠心病的相对危险性下降70~80%;高血压致冠心病的平均潜隐期为10年;分层及Logistic回归分析均表明:高血压是冠心病的一个独立危险因素。 |
English Abstract: |
The associations of CHD, as defined by coronary arteriography, with hypertension history and causal blood pressure in 103 CHD cases and 103 non-CHD controls matching on sex, race, age (within 3 years) was studied. The odds ratio (i.e.OR) of CHD for patients with hypertension history is 4.64. For patients with higher causal blood pressure, it is 3.53 with both 99% confidence intervals not include 1. There are significant dose-response relationships between level of systolic hypertension and duration of hypertension with regards to odds ratio of CHD or the degree of coronary atherosclerosis. The relative risk of CHD may reduce 70~80%for hypertension patients by taking drugs to lower blood pressure.There are significant correlation between hypertension and anginosis or myocardial infarction in clinical types of CHD. The CHD average incubation period caused by hypertension is 10 years.It is concluded that the relationship between hypertension and CHD is seemingly causality with part of patients suffering from other consequences. |
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