徐小元,王立荣,凌晓明,刘逄举,田庚善.精液在家庭HBV感染中的作用[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1992,13(6):337-339
The Possible Role of Sperm in Family HBV Infection
Received:August 17, 1990  Revised:November 14, 1990
KeyWord: 精液  HBV
English Key Word: Sperm Spermatozoa  HBV
Author NameAffiliation
Xu Xiaoyuan The Infectious Department of the First Affiliated Hospital Lanzhou Medical College 
王立荣 The Infectious Department of the First Affiliated Hospital Lanzhou Medical College 
凌晓明 The Infectious Department of the First Affiliated Hospital Lanzhou Medical College 
刘逄举 北京医科大学 
田庚善 The Infectious Department of the First Affiliated Hospital Lanzhou Medical College 
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      本文调查了31例男性乙肝患者精液、精子HBV感染情况和31例配偶、36例子女HBV感染指标。其中,12例精液标本发现HBV感染,6例精子发现HBV-DNA(3例整合型、3例游离型);经用32P-HBV-DNA、32P-λDNA、32P-pBR322三种基因探针重复杂交,排除了假阳性的可能。12例精液HBV感染指标阳性的配偶中,8人感染HBV (66.67%),14个子女中8人感染HBV(57.14%);19例精液HBV感染指标阴性的配偶中,6人感染HBV(31.58%),22个子女中11人感染HBV(50%)。调查发现血清HBeAg阳性精液HBV感染率高,精液HBV感染指标阳性配偶易受HBV感染,提示精液是传播HBV的媒介物之一。在一例四个月的婴儿标本中,发现HBsAg、HBeAg、抗-HBc、HBV-DNA阳性,抗-HBc-IgM阴性,其母亲HBV感染指标阴性,父亲精子发现整合型HBV-DNA;父子间传播主要通过日常生活密切接触,是否有垂直传播的可能,值得进一步探讨。
English Abstract:
      The paper investigated HBV infectious markers in the sperm and spermatozoa of 31 male patients with heptitis B, in the serum of their 31 spouses and 35 children respectively. HBV markers were found in 12 sperm samples, HBV-DNA was detected in 6 samples of spermatozoa (3 integrated forms and 3 free forms).The samples were hybridized repeatedly with probes of 32P labeled HBV-DNA 32P labeled λDNA and 32P labeled pBR322 to exclude falsepositive possibility. 8 out of 12 wives (66.67%), were infected whose husband's sperm reacted positively with HBV 8 out of 14 children were infected (57.14%), whose father's sperm had HBV markers. 6 women out of 19 were infected (31.58%) whose husband's sperm did not react with HBV, 11 of 22 children were infected (50%). The investigation found that the HBV in sperm was higher in the patients with HBeAg positive serum. The wives were easier infected from husbands with HBV positive sperm.The result suggested that sperm must be one of medium of HBV transmission.HBsAg HBeAg anti-HBc HBV-DNA were found in the serum sample of one 4 month infant, with no anti-HBc-IgM. His mother was negative in HBV. The integrated form HBV-DNA was detected in his father's spermatozoa.The transmission between father and son is perhaps mainly by contact each other daily.If HBV has the possibility of vertical transmission is to be studied.
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