项永兵,高玉堂.分组Cox模型及其在癌症预后因素研究中的应用[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1994,15(1):46-50
Grouped Cox Regression Model and Its Application in Study of Prognostic Factors on Cancer
Received:May 12, 1993  Revised:August 24, 1993
KeyWord: 比例危险回归模型  分组Cox模型  广义线性模型  肺癌
English Key Word: Proportional hazards regression model  Grouped Cox model  GLM  Lung cancer
Author NameAffiliation
Xiang Yongbing Department of Epidemiology, Shanghai Cancer Institute, Shanghai 200032 
Gao Yutang Department of Epidemiology, Shanghai Cancer Institute, Shanghai 200032 
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English Abstract:
      Cox proportional hazards regression model is the most popular multivariate regression model for analysis of survival data in medical follow-up studies and clinical trials, but it is unable to handle grouped survival data or large data sets with many tied failure times adequately. This paper explores the grouped proportional hazards regression model (GPH model) and its use in analysis of large data sets presented in life tables. By use of the data in a lung cancer follow-up study conducted in urban area of Shanghai, the authors give an example in detail for analysing prognostic factors of lung cancer by using GLIM.
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