段一娟,郑锡文,郑长虹,郗承会,杨忠桔,杨映全,吴运超,李州林,陈钧.云南省瑞丽市静注毒品人群HIV感染者死亡情况调查[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1995,16(2):71-73
Investigation of Mortality Among HIV-Infected Intravenous Drug Users in Ruili Region of Yunnan Province
Received:August 05, 1994  
KeyWord: 人类免疫缺陷病毒  艾滋病  静注吸毒
English Key Word: HIV  AIDS  IDU
Author NameAffiliation
Duan Yi-juan Ruili Municipal Sanitary & Anti-Epidemic Station, Yunnan Province, Ruili 678600 
Zheng Xi-wen 中国预防医科学院流行病学微生物学研究所 
Zhen Chang-hong Ruili Municipal Sanitary & Anti-Epidemic Station, Yunnan Province, Ruili 678600 
郗承会 Ruili Municipal Sanitary & Anti-Epidemic Station, Yunnan Province, Ruili 678600 
杨忠桔 Ruili Municipal Sanitary & Anti-Epidemic Station, Yunnan Province, Ruili 678600 
杨映全 Ruili Municipal Sanitary & Anti-Epidemic Station, Yunnan Province, Ruili 678600 
吴运超 云南省第一人民医院 
李州林 Ruili Municipal Sanitary & Anti-Epidemic Station, Yunnan Province, Ruili 678600 
陈钧 中国预防医科学院流行病学微生物学研究所 
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English Abstract:
      The investigation of death condition of HIV infected intravenous drug users (IVDU) was conducted with a retrospective cohort study in Ruili city of Yunnan province from 1989-Oct to 1993-Oct, the deaths among 395 HIV+IVDUs add up to 61 and the mortality is 15.4%, which has significant difference compared to the death level of control cohort composed by 192 HIV-IVDUs (add up to 18). The relative risk of death is 1.6 (95% confidence interval 1.0~2.5). After classified by the cause of death, it was found that both maintain high accidence mortality caused mainly by narcotism, violence and suicide. But in death group caused by diseases, the mortality of HIV+IVDU (8.4%) is much higher than HIV-IVDU (3.1%) (95% confidence interval 1.2~6.1). We also compared non -AIDS mortality between HIV+ and HIV-IVDU according to data of HIV/AIDS survellance which showed 2 patients died of AIDS in HIV+ IVDU. The difference is also significant (13.8% in HIV+, but 7.9% in HIV-IVDU) and the relative risk is 1.7 (95% confidence interval 1.0~2.8). The results indicated that the lever of reported AIDS cases were probably lower than that of actual AIDS cases existing.
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