覃朝晖,于普林,朱晓平,吴迪,乌正赉.北京市城市社区1512名老年人跌倒的危险因素分析[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2006,27(7):579-582
Study on the risk factors for falls in an elderly community in Chongwen district of Beijing
Received:January 26, 2006  
KeyWord: 跌倒  发生率  危险因素
English Key Word: Falls: Incidence: Risk factors
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
QIN Zhao-hut Beijing Instituted of Geriatrics, Beijing Hospital, Ministry of Health, Beijing 100730, China  
YU Pu-lin Beijing Instituted of Geriatrics, Beijing Hospital, Ministry of Health, Beijing 100730, China pulin_yu@hotmail.com 
ZHU Xiao-ping 水利部北京医院内科  
WU Di 河北医科大学第一附属医院研究生院  
WU Zheng-lai 中国协和医科大学基础医学院流行病学教研室  
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      目的探讨北京城市社区老年人跌倒的发生情况及主要危险因素和保护因素,为老年人跌倒的预防提供科学依据。方法采用分层整群抽样的方法抽取北京市崇文区龙潭街道办事处所辖社区的60岁及以上的老年人,以面对面询问方式进行人户调查,对可能与跌倒有关的9大类共90个变量分别进行单因素和多因素logistic回归分析跌倒的危险因素和保护因素。结果跌倒发生率为18.0%,经单因素分析表明痴呆(OR=5.34)、抑郁症(OR=4.61)、大小便失禁(OR=3.84)、生理失能(OR=3.17)、害怕跌倒(OR=3.09)等40个变量的分布,经X2检验后差异有统计学意义。多因素logistic回归分析表明跌倒的危险因素有痴呆(OR=4.89)、抑郁症(OR=4.18)、降压药(OR= 2.91)、青光眼(OR=2.77)、高血压(OR=2.27)、害怕跌倒(OR=2.12)、体位性低血压(OR= 2.11)、服多种药物(OR=1.77)等。经常打太极拳(OR=0.60)、做保健操(OR=0.68)是跌倒的保护因素。结论北京市城市社区老年人跌倒发生率高,老年人跌倒是内因和外因共同作用的结果,可以采取针对危险因素的综合性措施预防老年人跌倒。
English Abstract:
      Objective To explore the risk factors related to falls in elderly living in an urban community and to provide evidence for developing a three-tier program for prevention. Methods A cross- sectional study was conducted in Longtan community of Chongwen District,Beijing. Persona aged 60 years and over were selected using a stratified cluster sampling methodology and data on falls within the past 12 months and falls-related risk factors was collected through face-to-face interview. Results Overall incidence on falls was 18.0% within one year among 1512 interviewees. Risk factors for falls were including dementia( OR=5.34),depression(OR=4.61),urinary and fecal incontinence 1; OR=3.84), physical disability( OR=3. 17 ), fear of falls( OR=3. 09 ) and other 40 variates by丫analyses. Data from multivariate logistic regression analyses showed that risk factors for falls were including dementia( OR= 4.89),depression(OR = 4. 18),antihypertensive(OR=2.91),glaucoma(OR=2.77:),hypertension (OR=2.27),fear of falls(OR=2.12 ), postural hypotension(OR=2.11),and taking multiple drugs (OR=1.77)etc while protective factors would include pyhsical exercises( OR=0.68) and practicing Tai Chi shadow boxing ( OR=0.60).Conclusion The incidence of falls in an urban elderly community of Beijing was considered to be high and caused serious negative consequences, both physically and psychologically. Falls in the elderly was the result caused by combined intrinsic and extrinsic factors, suggesting the intervention should be targeting on risk factors multifacetly.
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