赵静,张倩,张环美,郭宏霞,Rickard0ste,郝利楠,Gunilla Onning,Lena Hulthén,胡小琪.北京市怀柔区儿童维生素D营养状况及其与体成分的关系[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2010,31(1):34-38
Body vitamin D content and its relationship with body composition of children in Huairou district of Beijing
Received:May 13, 2009  
KeyWord: 维生素D缺乏  儿童  体成分  25一羟维生素D
English Key Word: Vitamin Ddeficiency  Child  Body composition  25一hydroxyvitamin D
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
ZHAO Jing National Institute for Nutrition and Foos Safety, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100050 China  
ZHANG Qian National Institute for Nutrition and Foos Safety, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100050 China  
ZHANG Huanmei Centrefor Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Lund Unwenay, Sweden  
GUO Hongxia West China Schoolof Public Health, Sichuan University, China  
Rickard Oste Department of Applied Nutrition and Food, Lund University Sweden  
HAO Linan National Institute for Nutrition and Foos Safety, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100050 China  
Gunilla Onning Centrefor Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Lund Unwenay, Sweden  
Lena Hulthén University of Gothenburg, The Sahlgrenska Academy, Department of Clinical Nutrition, Sweden  
HU Xiaoqi National Institute for Nutrition and Foos Safety, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100050 China huxiaoqee@163.com 
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English Abstract:
      Objective To analyze vitamin D concentration and its association谢th body composition of children in Huakou district of Beijing,to provide evidence for evaluation and improvement of nutritional status of vitamin D in children.Methods Totally.38 l children aged 7一ll years were recruited in Huairou district ofBei_iing(40.30N).Samples ofovernight fasting venous blood(drawn between 0630 and 0900)were obtained in late March.Serum 25.hydroxyvitamin D[25(0H)D] concentrationwas determinedby ELlSAkits(IDS Ltd,UK).Body compositionindices of the whole body。the distal and proximal forearm were measured using dual—energy X—ray absorptiometry(DEXA,Norland,USA).Results The average serum 25(OH)D concentration of all subjects was(44.4±l 2.5)nlnoI/L.The percentage of vitamin D insufficient[serum.25(OH)D≤ 50 nmol/Lj reached ashighas 68.5%(261 people).The25(OH)D concentrationofboys(46.3 nmoI/L± 13.3 m01/L)was significantly higher than that of girls(42.0 nmol/L±11.1 111110I/L),(f=3.38,P< 0.0 1).Between the serum 25(OH)D concentration and Ican body mass of proximal forearm.distal forearm,whole body,and four limbs,significant positive correlations r=0.13—0.19,P<0.05)were observed.After age,gender,height and weight were under controlled for,correlations between the serum 25(OH)D concentration and lcan bodv mass at proximal forearm。and the two lower limbs still existed(r=O.12—0.14,P<0.05).ne serum 25(OH)D concentration.the percentage ofbodv fat at proximal forearm,and distal forearm were negatively correlated(r=_o.14,P<0.05:r=-0.1l,P<0.05).Howevgr,after adjusting for confounding effects。this correlation disappeared.No significant correl|ation between the serum 25(OH)D concentration and body fat was observed at any position.Conclusion Vitarnin D deficiency Was common in children of suburb area of Beijing.Vitamin D status Was positively associated with the lean body mass.
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