赵静,张倩,张环美,郭宏霞,Rickard0ste,郝利楠,Gunilla Onning,Lena Hulthén,胡小琪.北京市怀柔区儿童维生素D营养状况及其与体成分的关系[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2010,31(1):34-38 |
北京市怀柔区儿童维生素D营养状况及其与体成分的关系 |
Body vitamin D content and its relationship with body composition of children in Huairou district of Beijing |
Received:May 13, 2009 |
DOI: |
KeyWord: 维生素D缺乏 儿童 体成分 25一羟维生素D |
English Key Word: Vitamin Ddeficiency Child Body composition 25一hydroxyvitamin D |
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Author Name | Affiliation | E-mail | ZHAO Jing | National Institute for Nutrition and Foos Safety, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100050 China | | ZHANG Qian | National Institute for Nutrition and Foos Safety, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100050 China | | ZHANG Huanmei | Centrefor Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Lund Unwenay, Sweden | | GUO Hongxia | West China Schoolof Public Health, Sichuan University, China | | Rickard Oste | Department of Applied Nutrition and Food, Lund University Sweden | | HAO Linan | National Institute for Nutrition and Foos Safety, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100050 China | | Gunilla Onning | Centrefor Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Lund Unwenay, Sweden | | Lena Hulthén | University of Gothenburg, The Sahlgrenska Academy, Department of Clinical Nutrition, Sweden | | HU Xiaoqi | National Institute for Nutrition and Foos Safety, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100050 China | huxiaoqee@163.com |
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Abstract: |
目的分析儿童维生素D的营养状况及其与体成分的关系。方法选取北京市怀柔区(北纬40.3。)7一ll岁学龄儿童381名,于2008年3月采集静脉血并采用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA,英国IDS公司)测定血清中25一羟维生素D[25(OH)D]的浓度,双能x线吸收仪(DEXA,美国Norland公司)测定前臂及全身的体成分,分析维生素D与体成分的相关性。结果研究对象血清25(OH)D的平均浓度为(44.4±12.5)nmol/L,维生素D缺乏和不足率[血清25(OH)D≤50mol/L]达68.5%。男生血清25(OH)D浓(46.3±13.3)nmol/L高于女生(42.0±11.1)nmoFL,差异有统计学意义(t=3.38,P<0.01)。血清25(OH)D浓度与前臂近端、远端、全身及分部位中四肢的瘦体重呈正相关(r=0.13—0.19,P<0.05),与前臂近端、远端的体脂百分比呈负相关(r=一0.14,P<0.05;r=一0.11,P<0.05),均有统计学意义。调整年龄、性别、身高、体重等混杂因素后,与前臂近端、全身分部位中双下肢的瘦体重相关性仍有统计学意义(r=O.12~0.14,P<0.05)。血清25(OH)D浓度与各部位体脂的相关性均无统计学意义。结论维牛素D缺乏在北京市郊区儿童中较为普遍,而维生素D营养状况对体成分。尤其对瘦体重有促进作用。 |
English Abstract: |
Objective To analyze vitamin D concentration and its association谢th body composition of children in Huakou district of Beijing,to provide evidence for evaluation and improvement of nutritional status of vitamin D in children.Methods Totally.38 l children aged 7一ll years were recruited in Huairou district ofBei_iing(40.30N).Samples ofovernight fasting venous blood(drawn between 0630 and 0900)were obtained in late March.Serum 25.hydroxyvitamin D[25(0H)D] concentrationwas determinedby ELlSAkits(IDS Ltd,UK).Body compositionindices of the whole body。the distal and proximal forearm were measured using dual—energy X—ray absorptiometry(DEXA,Norland,USA).Results The average serum 25(OH)D concentration of all subjects was(44.4±l 2.5)nlnoI/L.The percentage of vitamin D insufficient[serum.25(OH)D≤ 50 nmol/Lj reached ashighas 68.5%(261 people).The25(OH)D concentrationofboys(46.3 nmoI/L± 13.3 m01/L)was significantly higher than that of girls(42.0 nmol/L±11.1 111110I/L),(f=3.38,P< 0.0 1).Between the serum 25(OH)D concentration and Ican body mass of proximal forearm.distal forearm,whole body,and four limbs,significant positive correlations r=0.13—0.19,P<0.05)were observed.After age,gender,height and weight were under controlled for,correlations between the serum 25(OH)D concentration and lcan bodv mass at proximal forearm。and the two lower limbs still existed(r=O.12—0.14,P<0.05).ne serum 25(OH)D concentration.the percentage ofbodv fat at proximal forearm,and distal forearm were negatively correlated(r=_o.14,P<0.05:r=-0.1l,P<0.05).Howevgr,after adjusting for confounding effects。this correlation disappeared.No significant correl|ation between the serum 25(OH)D concentration and body fat was observed at any position.Conclusion Vitarnin D deficiency Was common in children of suburb area of Beijing.Vitamin D status Was positively associated with the lean body mass. |
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