李海霞,李晓梅,陶静,马依彤,杨毅宁,刘芬,陈邦党,谢翔,杨红.新疆维吾尔自治区不同民族中小学生超重和肥胖现状分析[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2014,35(1):9-12
Detection rates of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents with difierent ethnicities in Xinjiang Uigur areas
Received:July 15, 2013  
KeyWord: 超重和肥胖  儿童青少年  维吾尔族  哈萨克族
English Key Word: Overweight and obesity  Children and adolescents  Uygur  Kazakh
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Li Haixial   
Li Xiaomei  lixm505@163.com 
Tao Jing   
Ma Yitong   
liu Fen   
Chen Bangdang   
Xie Xiang   
Yang Hong   
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      目的调查新疆地区汉族、维吾尔(维)族、哈萨克(哈)族中小学生超重和肥胖检出率。方法采用整群随机抽样方法抽取和田、喀什、福海地区汉族、维族和哈族7~14岁中小学生作为研究对象,调查内容包括身高、体重等,按照中国肥胖问题T作组(WGOC)推荐的《中国学龄儿童青少年超重、肥胖筛查体重指数值分类标准》计算超重和肥胖检出率。结果共抽取3个民族7~14岁中小学生11 894名,超重总检出率为5.6%(男女生分别为6.6%、4.7%),肥胖总检出率为2.9%(男女生分别为3.6%、2.2%),性别差异有统计学意义()[2=39.765,P<0.05)。哈族学生超重检出率为12.0%,显著高于其他民族,而汉族学生肥胖检出率为7.2%,高于其他民族,差异有统计学意义(χ2=363.885,P结论新疆中小学生超重、肥胖检出率低于全国平均水平,但存在民族、性别及年龄差异。
English Abstract:
      0bjective To investigate the detection rates of overweight and obesity amongHan.Uygur and Kazakh Children and adolescents in Xiniiang.Methods Random samples were used to analyze the detection rates on overweight and obesity based on data from Han,Uygur and Kazakh Children and adolescents aged 7—14 years from 3 regions--Hetian.Kashi and Fuhai prefectures in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.Anthropometric data including weight and height was collected. Overweight and obesity were defined according to body mass index[BMI,weight(kg)/height(m2)] cutoffs recommended by the Chinese Working Group on Obesity for Children(WGOC)aged 7—14 years.Results? The present study was performed in 11 894 Han.Uygnr and Kazakh Children and adolescents aged 7一l 4 years.The overall prevalence rates of overweight and obesity were 5.6%and 2.9%respectively,which the difference between male and female was significant(T 2=39.765,P<0.05).Different ethnic students of overweight and obesity rate showed differences.with detection rate of overweight among Kazakh students was 1 2.0%.higher than the other ethnic groups.The obesity detection rate was 7.2%among Han students.which was the highest of the three ethnic groups.with differences statistically significant(Y2=363.885,P<0.05).Prevalence rates of both overweight and obesity decreased with increasing age in various ethnic groups,showing a clear downward trend,with the peak at 7—9 year-olds and the difrerence was statistically significant(72=101.479,P<0.05).Conclusion Both detection rates on overweight and obesity among children and adolescents were significantly lower in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region than the national average level,with differences also seen in different ethnic.gender and age groups.
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