| Volume 4,Issue 1,1983 Table of Contents
Contents | | | Observations on the Protective Effects of Live Measles Vaccine in Different Number of Years after the First Immunization | | 广东省英德县卫生防疫站 | | 1983,4(1):1-3 [Abstract] [PDF(2.82 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Sero-epidemiologic Surveillance of Measles and Analysis of Secondary Cases | | 吴绍沅,薛秀卿,李尔秀,赵铠,李金才,杜森桥,田会芝,吕栋勋 | | 1983,4(1):4-7 [Abstract] [PDF(3.69 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | An Outbreak of Measles in a Rural District & its Sero-epidemiological Analysis | | 徐福根,钟银德,程洪亮,黄志诚,傅强,闻洪根,姚怀芳 | | 1983,4(1):8-11 [Abstract] [PDF(3.49 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Observations on the Immune Responses of the Infants and Young Children to Group A Meningococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine | | 赵季文,曹子丹,徐萃瑜,谢春娣 | | 1983,4(1):12-14 [Abstract] [PDF(2.68 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | A Study of the Detection Method of Incomplete Antibody against Leptospira and Its Application | | 张荣珍,王宏英 | | 1983,4(1):15-17 [Abstract] [PDF(2.70 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | A Survey of Free Fleas in Trains | | 周际川,陈洪淑,唐云祥,付云清,伍鼎文 | | 1983,4(1):18-20 [Abstract] [PDF(2.54 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Report on a Long Term Surveillance of Diseases in Tianjin in 1981 | | 天津市卫生防疫站,和平区卫生防疫站,红桥区卫生防疫站,塘沽区卫生防疫站,静海县卫生防疫站 | | 1983,4(1):21-25 [Abstract] [PDF(4.60 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Studies on Diagnosis of Brucellosis with Two Kinds of Enzyme-Conjugates | | 李之桂,李爱芳,侯林甫,毛富荣 | | 1983,4(1):26-28 [Abstract] [PDF(2.60 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Epidemiological Analysis of Malaria During the Last 30 Years in Shanghai | | 陆泳 | | 1983,4(1):29-31 [Abstract] [PDF(2.71 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Seroepidemiological Survey of 959 Persons With Rubella in Beijing | | 林中珉,杨永荣,李佑珍,董振启 | | 1983,4(1):32-33 [Abstract] [PDF(1.67 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Studies on Enterotoxin of Yersinia enterocolitica | | 于恩庶,黄育默 | | 1983,4(1):34-36 [Abstract] [PDF(2.56 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Comparision of the Presence or Absence of Early Hepatitis B Viral (HBV) Infections Among Population in Foci of Primary Hepatoma With Relatively High and Low Incidence Rates | | 顾彬昌,高汝聂,吴永健,王学励,王圣丽,沈胜德,张旦华,黄毓龙,屠基陶,高玉堂 | | 1983,4(1):37-42 [Abstract] [PDF(4.94 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Preliminary Investigations on Risky Factors of Mammarcy Adenocarcinoma in Female Patients | | 天津医学院流行病学教研室,天津人民医院乳腺癌防治组 | | 1983,4(1):43-47 [Abstract] [PDF(4.00 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Observations on the Therapeutic Efficacy of Treating Cases of Hypertension With a System of Walking & Breathing Exercises Using Epidemiological Methods | | 北京市第二医院心血管病研究室,中国医学科学院流研所流行病学研究室 | | 1983,4(1):48-51 [Abstract] [PDF(3.07 M)] [Html FullText] | | |
Contents Review Contents | | | 北京铁路局地区不同年龄组人群流脑带菌情况及A群血凝抗体的调查 | | 杨素芝,孙翠英,吴桂芳,柔玉莲,王琪,胡真 | | 1983,4(1):3 [Abstract] [PDF(896.82 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | A群脑膜炎奈瑟氏菌细菌素分型 | | 杨更发,石优章 | | 1983,4(1):17 [Abstract] [PDF(943.70 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 电子驱鼠器的效能初试 | | 汪诚信,杨庭祥,刘党女,田彦林 | | 1983,4(1):20 [Abstract] [PDF(881.98 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 多斑按蚊对间日疟原虫的敏感性实验 | | 陈怀录,曹仲华,杨玉华,康万民 | | 1983,4(1):25 [Abstract] [PDF(913.44 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 用SPA提纯人IgG及制备抗人IgG抗体 | | 李之桂,李爱芳,禹慧兰,徐昌 | | 1983,4(1):28 [Abstract] [PDF(904.55 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 从鼠类分离出小肠结肠炎耶氏菌 | | 林金瑞,于恩庶,余家辉 | | 1983,4(1):36 [Abstract] [PDF(798.75 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 被猫咬伤致狂犬病一例 | | 赵春媛 | | 1983,4(1):36 [Abstract] [PDF(798.75 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 一起疑似甲型肝炎爆发流行调查报告 | | 袁宗释 | | 1983,4(1):63 [Abstract] [PDF(736.77 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 蜡样芽胞杆菌食物中毒简报 | | 黄胜利,吴定明 | | 1983,4(1):63 [Abstract] [PDF(736.77 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 国际灭鼠会议在英国举行 | | 汪诚信 | | 1983,4(1):64 [Abstract] [PDF(767.92 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 在我国首次分离到里奥格朗德沙门氏菌 | | 潘天太,许国治 | | 1983,4(1):64 [Abstract] [PDF(767.92 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 西藏自治区墨脱县恙虫病调查简报 | | 钟应洪,许德馨,贾安成,吴福林 | | 1983,4(1):F2 [Abstract] [PDF(823.96 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 太原市健康人群甲型肝炎抗体分布特征的研究 | | 王俊升,王书月,郭辛,王广康,薛淑莲,高峰 | | 1983,4(1):F2 [Abstract] [PDF(823.96 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 口服20%甘露醇导泻疗法治疗流行性出血热急性肾功能衰竭31例报告 | | 林永焕 | | 1983,4(1):F4 [Abstract] [PDF(789.26 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 饮用病羊奶引起葡萄球菌食物中毒 | | 赵国光,张生跃 | | 1983,4(1):F4 [Abstract] [PDF(789.26 K)] [Html FullText] | | |