| Volume 9,Issue 1,1988 Table of Contents
Contents | | | Characteristics of HBsAg Subtypes Distribution in Beijing Area | | Huang Xueqing | | 1988,9(1):1-4 [Abstract] [PDF(3.39 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | A Study of Correlation between Primary Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Hepatitis B | | Lu Chunqi | | 1988,9(1):5-7 [Abstract] [PDF(2.59 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | An Etiologic Study of Cerebrovascular Disease | | Yuan Youhe | | 1988,9(1):8-11 [Abstract] [PDF(3.51 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | A Causative Factors Study of Esophageal Cancer among City Inhabitants in Xian: The Role of Smoking & Drinking | | Han Chenglong | | 1988,9(1):12-15 [Abstract] [PDF(3.51 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | A Study on Rubella Antibody Screening and Immunization of Childbearing Age Women | | Lu Baocheng | | 1988,9(1):16-18 [Abstract] [PDF(2.73 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | An Epidemiological Survey of Filarial Chyluria | | Chen Jingting | | 1988,9(1):19-21 [Abstract] [PDF(2.78 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | An Investigation on Secondary Attack Rate in Families and Environment Contamination of Bacillary Dysentery in Urban and Rural Areas | | Beijing Municipal Centre for Hygiene and Epidemic Control | | 1988,9(1):22-24 [Abstract] [PDF(2.79 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Distribution and Dynamics of Leptospiral Serovars in Frontier of Yunnan Province | | Zhang Fangzheng | | 1988,9(1):25-28 [Abstract] [PDF(3.69 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | The Study on Inapparent Infection in the Endemic Areas of the Wild and Domestic Rat Types EHF at Parts of North-East Areas in China | | Hou Peisen | | 1988,9(1):29-32 [Abstract] [PDF(3.65 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | An Application of Now Type Eiological Indicator in Ultraviolet Disinfection | | Zhu Qingquan | | 1988,9(1):33-35 [Abstract] [PDF(2.82 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | A Preliminary Observation on Bactericidal Effect of Chlorinated Trisodium Phosphate | | Bai Changle | | 1988,9(1):36-37 [Abstract] [PDF(1.79 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Biotyping and Plasmid Analysis of Campylobacter jejuni/coli and Their Preliminary Application in Epidemiological Study | | Lu Desheng | | 1988,9(1):38-41 [Abstract] [PDF(3.68 M)] [Html FullText] | | |
Contents Contents Review Contents | | | 我国东北林区莱姆病的调查 | | 张哲夫,张金声,朱桂凤,田登安,张知德,万康林,曹伯良,窦桂兰,姚逸红,伏盛华,尚振忠,王梦祥,李文,刘福才 | | 1988,9(1):0 [Abstract] [PDF(866.55 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 一起多原性耐药伤寒菌引起的水型爆发流行 | | 周宗海,肖黔林,杨昌伦,刘大熙,李观聪,黄杰,范经纬,李再林,李荣琴 | | 1988,9(1):4 [Abstract] [PDF(911.19 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 疫区居民住宅防鼠情况与家鼠型出血热发病关系调查 | | 张学谦,张静,郝经立,孙度章,高秀丽 | | 1988,9(1):11 [Abstract] [PDF(863.66 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 疗养院中乙型肝炎表面抗原感染情况调查 | | 赵存著 | | 1988,9(1):11 [Abstract] [PDF(863.66 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 206例婴幼儿腹泻病原学调查报告 | | 黄学才,王定明,林永根,王楫,张玫,易慧中 | | 1988,9(1):15 [Abstract] [PDF(919.38 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 1020名学龄前儿童血压调查 | | 张清勇,李良文,赵三岗,高嗣惠 | | 1988,9(1):24 [Abstract] [PDF(932.57 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 我国16个地区723株蜡样芽孢杆菌的噬菌体分型报告 | | 姚敬业,吴光先 | | 1988,9(1):32 [Abstract] [PDF(854.14 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 检出痢疾志贺氏菌3型甘露醇阳性变种及鲍氏志贺氏菌18型的报告 | | 王馨,朱喜辉,于秋丽,邓祖昆,田万春,胡莲英,王薇媛,蒋志兵 | | 1988,9(1):41 [Abstract] [PDF(945.72 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 用人HBV血清学试剂检测143份鸭血清结果分析 | | 王培龙,葛志中 | | 1988,9(1):45 [Abstract] [PDF(946.29 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 1986年广西罗城、宜山血吸虫病流行区的人群弓形体感染调查报告 | | 崔君兆,韦增良,陆宙光,陈锦华 | | 1988,9(1):45 [Abstract] [PDF(946.29 K)] [Html FullText] | | |
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