| Volume 2,Issue 4,1981 Table of Contents
Contents | | | Determination of Sero-groupings of N. intracellularis (meningitidis) Isolated from Patients & Carrie s in 1966-1979 | | 丁绍卿,叶人邦,张焕春 | | 1981,2(4):219-223 [Abstract] [PDF(3.80 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Investigation on Efficacy of Oral Combined Vaccines of Epidemic Cerebral-spinal Meningitis | | 黑龙江省卫生防疫站,东宁县卫生防疫站,河南省卫生防疫站,南阳地区流脑协作组 | | 1981,2(4):224-226 [Abstract] [PDF(2.57 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Application of Reverse Haemo-agglutination Technic in Rapid Diagnosis of Epidemic Meningitis | | 袁承德,董春明,迮文远,苏万年,张国华,张玉刚,王际璋 | | 1981,2(4):227-231 [Abstract] [PDF(4.15 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Serological Efficacies & Immune Responses Pollowing Intranasal Immunization with Purified Fluid Diphtheria Toxoid & Bivalent Toxoids of Diphtheria & Tetanus | | 卢其才,汪玉兰,冯瑞征,顾锦芬,喻润桐,许宏祥,沈丽娟 | | 1981,2(4):232-234 [Abstract] [PDF(2.50 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Observations Concerning Serologic Responses Following Acid Precipitated Pertussis Vaccine from Liquid Culture | | 贵州省卫生防疫站,贵定县卫生防疫站 | | 1981,2(4):235-236 [Abstract] [PDF(1.67 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Observations of Immunologic Responses Following Oral Administration of Viable Lyophilized Brucella Vaccine 104M Strain | | 吕南平,王广业,徐历升,李超,刘永奎,李其昌 | | 1981,2(4):237-238 [Abstract] [PDF(1.66 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Preliminary Experimental Observations on the Relationship between the Endotoxin Contents of Different Brucella Types &their Characteristics | | 王景宏 | | 1981,2(4):239-242 [Abstract] [PDF(3.33 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Investigation of Certain Problems Concerning Epidemiology of Viral Hepatitis in Zibo City, Shangdung Province | | 胡昭烈,张淑云,吴桂华 | | 1981,2(4):243-246 [Abstract] [PDF(3.31 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Epidemiology of Epidemic B encephalitis in Ke Zuo Hou Qi, Inner Mongolia District | | 李军 | | 1981,2(4):247-248 [Abstract] [PDF(1.55 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Study of Antibodies Using Haemoagglutination Inhibition Technic with Current Strains of Influenza Virus Type A3 & NewA1 of Swine Sera in Nan-yang District, Henan, from 1977-1979 | | 孙继先 | | 1981,2(4):249-250 [Abstract] [PDF(1.60 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Preliminary Observations of Lymphocyte Transforation in Kala-azar Patients | | 柴君杰,李宝山,赵尔民 | | 1981,2(4):251-252,C4 [Abstract] [PDF(2.43 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Researches on the Pathogenesis of Mammary Carcinoma | | 姚凤一,曲成义,高道利,徐金秋,张永生,胡维祯,任铁生,张安玉,邸桂珍,马淑满 | | 1981,2(4):253-256 [Abstract] [PDF(3.29 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Investigation on the Drug Resistance Concerning Sal. Tuphimurium | | 安家璈,雍立英,俞惠敏,陈家炽 | | 1981,2(4):257-259 [Abstract] [PDF(2.44 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | An Instance of Food Poisoning due to Consumption of Meat-pie Contaminated with B. Cereus | | 卫生细菌室,南京市卫生防疫站 | | 1981,2(4):260-261 [Abstract] [PDF(1.66 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Correlated Regression Analysis of Numerical Estimates of Citellus Dauricus Together with Flea Index & Rat-free Area | | 李书宝 | | 1981,2(4):262-263 [Abstract] [PDF(1.67 M)] [Html FullText] | | |
Contents Review Contents Contents | | | 72型轻便光源荧光显微镜使用方法的改进 | | 温荣春 | | 1981,2(4):F3 [Abstract] [PDF(813.73 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 间接血凝试验在斑疹伤寒血清学调查中的应用 | | 罗信义 | | 1981,2(4):223 [Abstract] [PDF(772.73 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 瑶族乙型肝炎感染情况调查 | | 广西都安瑶族自治县卫生防疫站 | | 1981,2(4):226 [Abstract] [PDF(906.67 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 重型松毛虫病与肾上腺皮质激素治疗 | | 陈兆孝,胡志平 | | 1981,2(4):231 [Abstract] [PDF(963.45 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 牛羊混合型布氏菌病疫区的调查报告 | | 姜继春,牛树德,李少丰,高连旭,王秀英 | | 1981,2(4):234 [Abstract] [PDF(831.44 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 二株乳糖发酵奈瑟氏菌的检出 | | 袁茂欣 | | 1981,2(4):236 [Abstract] [PDF(854.46 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 大隆对黄胸鼠的毒力测定 | | 黄维略,梁国庚,黄雅木,刘振华,莫冠英 | | 1981,2(4):238 [Abstract] [PDF(852.99 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 注射人用狂犬病疫苗引起神经系统并发症调查 | | 李海军 | | 1981,2(4):242 [Abstract] [PDF(891.62 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 石家庄市痢疾杆菌的抗药性 | | 王美华,王敬之 | | 1981,2(4):250 [Abstract] [PDF(835.62 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 腹泻病原菌的检出情况及临床表现 | | 陈树本 | | 1981,2(4):256 [Abstract] [PDF(811.88 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 32例孕妇误种牛痘苗反应的调查报告 | | 洛阳市卫生防疫站 | | 1981,2(4):263 [Abstract] [PDF(916.58 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 柴达木盆地蚊虫调查 | | 青海省卫生防疫站虫媒传染病组 | | 1981,2(4):268 [Abstract] [PDF(815.71 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 爆发型伤寒一例报告 | | 张景星 | | 1981,2(4):271 [Abstract] [PDF(807.05 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 昭乌达盟人群沙门氏菌菌型分布 | | 白玉龙,王国珍,王亚辉,付佩兰 | | 1981,2(4):278 [Abstract] [PDF(844.94 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 浙江省1977~78年痢疾菌型及药敏试验 | | 邬秀英,周小民,莫顺堂,商文英,鲍行豪 | | 1981,2(4):283 [Abstract] [PDF(854.38 K)] [Html FullText] | | |