陈亢川,陈拱立,林业杰,葛保罗,曾其昌,王振川.猪群感染小肠结肠炎耶尔森氏菌季节性调查[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1984,5(5):291-293
A Seasonal Observation on the Infection of A Pigherd by Yersinia enterocolitica
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Author NameAffiliation
陈亢川 福建省流行病防治研究所 
陈拱立 福建省流行病防治研究所 
林业杰 福建省流行病防治研究所 
葛保罗 福建省东山县卫生防疫站 
曾其昌 福建省平和县卫生防疫站 
王振川 福建省云肖县卫生防疫站 
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English Abstract:
      The seasonal variation in the carriage rates of Yersinia enterocolitica (Ye) in pig fed in 3 pig farms in the south of Fujian Province was investigated throughout the 4 seasons between Nov. 1981 and Sep. 1982. In 2 of the pig farms, Ye strains were only isolated in winter and spring, and the carriage rates were significantly raised in spring from 1.69% and 0.79% to 28.57% and 10.4% respectively, which showed that serious outbreaks of Ye occurred. And the prevalence among human beings in Fujian Province happened in the same seasons too. In the other pig farm, Ye strains were isolated throughout the 4 seasons, and the carriage rates remained within a range of 1.52 to 2.87%. which showed that only sporadic infections occurred. A significant relation may exist between the seriousness of prevalence in pigsand the forms of feeding, i.e., the wider the feeding-ground, the higher the infection.
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