俞守义,陈添弥,陈义忠,王锡琪,娄丹,陈清,杨芳娣,吴益民,周善国,罗观堤,黄君健.用二种基因探针对肠毒性大肠杆菌腹泻的初步分子流行病学研究[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1990,11(3):175-178
A Primary Study on Molecular Epidemiology of Diarrhea Caused by Enterotoxigenic Escherichia Coli by DNA Colony Hybridization Using Three Enterotoxigenic Gene-probes
Received:April 02, 1989  
KeyWord: ETEC腹泻  分子流行病学研究  基因探针
English Key Word: ETEC-diarrhea  Gene-probe  Molecular epidemiology
Author NameAffiliation
Yu Shouyi Dept. of Epidemiology, the First Military Medical College 
陈添弥 军事医学科学院 
陈义忠 Dept. of Epidemiology, the First Military Medical College 
王锡琪 广州军事医学研究所 
娄丹 沈阳军事医学研究所 
陈清 Dept. of Epidemiology, the First Military Medical College 
杨芳娣 广州市卫生防疫坫 
吴益民 沈阳军事医学研究所 
周善国 四川凉山地区卫生学校 
罗观堤 广州军事医学研究所 
黄君健 广州军事医学研究所 
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      应用肠毒性大肠杆菌三种肠毒素(LT、ST-P、ST-H)基因探针对近年来从广州、武汉、四川、沈阳、湖南等部分省市搜集到的921株致急性腹泻的大肠杆菌进行DNA-DNA菌落原位杂交检测。LT198株占21.5%(198/921)、ST-H 131株占14.2%(131/921)、ST-P 54株占5.9%(54/92l),ST+LT 19株占2.1%(19/921)。表明我国ETEC腹泻病原体中以LT+ ETEC为主,其次为ST-H+郊区农村ST-P+也占相当比例。为国内ETEC腹泻的分子流行病学研究提供了基本数据和较先进的诊检工具。
English Abstract:
      921 isolates of acute-diarrchea-indicing E. Coli strains from several provinces and cities, including Guangzhou, Wuhan.Sichuan, Shenyang and Hunan, have been collected during 1984~1989 and were identified in 1989 for detecting gents coding for these enterotoxins-LT, ST-P, ST-H by DNA colony hybridization using three enterotoxigenic gene probes.Of all the isolates homologous to thesfe genes encoding LT, ST-P, ST-H and both LT and ST were 198 (21.5%), 131 (14.2%), 54 (5.9%) and 18(2.1%), respe-ctivily.It was showed that in our country pathogenic agents of acute infectious diarrheal disease with ETEC strains first might be ETEC-LT strains, secondary ETEC-ST-H strains. Whereas, in rural districts ETEC-ST-P posses higher proportion of ETEC strains.These results provided some essential data and advanced methods for researching further molecular epidemiology of the ETEC diarrheal disease.
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