十六省市心血管病人群监测(MONICA方案)协作组.十六省市急性冠心病事件流行病学概况[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1993,14(1):10-13 |
十六省市急性冠心病事件流行病学概况 |
The Epidemiology of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) in 16 Provinces of China |
Received:February 15, 1992 Revised:May 26, 1992 |
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KeyWord: 心脏病,冠状动脉性 发病率 死亡率 |
English Key Word: Coronary heart disease (CHD) Morbidity Mortality |
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Abstract: |
对我国十六省市心血管病人群监测协作研究1987~1989年资料横断面的分析,初步阐述了我国多省市急性冠心病事件的流行病学概况。研究结果显示:急性冠心病事件发病率、死亡率存在着明显的地理分布差异,北方省市普遍高于南方省市,发病率与各地的地理纬度呈正相关,相关系数男女分别为0.5和0.57(P<0.05)。男性发病率高于女性,男女发病率之比平均为2.20:1,但性别间发病率之比随年龄增长而减少。城市人群发病率普遍高于农村。各监测区急性冠心病事件病死率均较高,院外死亡平均占总死亡人数的43.91%,发病1小时内的死亡占总死亡人数的35.13%。72.96%的死亡病例,发病至死亡的时间少于24小时。 |
English Abstract: |
This paper presents the cross-section results of epidemiological survey for acute CHD event in sixteen provinces of China, using the data of Multi-province Cooperative Surveillance Study on Cardiovascular Disease (MONICA Project), 1987~1989. The results showed that there were significant differences in geographical distribution of the morbidity and of the mortality of CHD event. The northern provinces had higher rates than southern provinces. There was a positive correlation between the morbidity of CHD and the geographical latitudes. The coefficients of correlation were 0.5 and 0.57 for male and female, respectively (P<0.05). Male had higher morbidity and mortality than female.The average sex ratio (male/female) for the morbidity was 2.20. There were higher rates in urban areas as compared with those in rural areas. There were higher case fatality rates in most provinces. The average percentage for the death out-of-hospital was 43.91% of the total number of CHD death. The percentage of death within 1 hour after onset accounted for 35.13% of the total number of CHD death. The duration from onset to death was less than 24 hours in 72.96% of the total number of CHD death. The results are of important values for the prevention, treatment and the etiologic study of CHD. |
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